Saturday, April 20, 2013


The Following is a reprint of an articles found on Silver Doctors (

Jim Sinclair: US Will Be Cypruss’d & Gold Headed to $50,000/oz! Here’s Why…

sinclairLegendary gold trader Jim Sinclair shocked the precious metals community Friday by publicly stating that the US will be Cypruss’d, the current take-down in gold & silver is a last-ditch can kicking attempt by the bullion banking cartel, as that as a result of the coming derivatives collapse banking system bail-in, physical gold is headed to $50,000/oz!
Today, Sinclair updated CIGA’s on the fundamentals behind his $50k gold prediction:

Monday, April 15, 2013

James Turk - Last Piece Now In Place To Trigger Hyperinflation (King World News - Blog)

“Sentiment is fairly weak at the moment, even while the fundamental picture is improving.  Look at some of the evidence.  For example, Brent crude is at a 9-month high and approaching $120 per barrel.  All of the usual excuses for this price rise are being given, like strong demand from China, lower OPEC production, and ongoing concerns about political instability in North Africa. 

These factors are having an impact of course, but what is being ignored is the most important explanation because people aren't paying attention.  There is no shortage of crude oil.  Rather, there are just too many dollars, euros, pounds and other fiat currencies being printed by central banks....

“Increasing attention needs to be given to what is happening with the quantity of money, Eric.  All the money printing ordered by central planners is starting to take effect.  US dollar M1 has now been growing at double-digit rates for two years.  Over the same period M2 growth has been in the high single digits.  Even the broader measure of dollars, M3, which is calculated by, is at 4.5%, which is the highest rate of growth in more than 3½ years.

Money is no different from any other good or service.  It too complies with the laws of supply and demand.  If you create money at a rate faster than the demand for it, its ‘price’ declines, which for money is its purchasing power.  With crude oil and other commodity prices like copper continuing to work their way higher, the purchasing power of dollars and other fiat currencies is being eroded.  So all of this money printing is clearly taking hold and becoming apparent.  That gold and silver prices remain in their trading ranges suggests to me that both of them have some catching up to do with the price rises we are seeing in some basic commodities.

What is clear is that central banks have flooded the world with QE - or in other words, money printing - but it is a policy that doesn't work.  Look how much QE has been unleashed by the European Central Bank, which has not stopped Europe from sliding into a recession.  It’s the same in the US, where the Federal Reserve's balance sheet has started growing again.  Its total assets topped $3 trillion a few weeks ago. 

In fact, the QE4 announcement may have been the tipping point because US government debt purchases by the Fed have apparently switched from being bond friendly to bond bearish because of the hyperinflationary implications from turning government debt into currency.  The evidence for this conclusion is that yields have been rising since then, notwithstanding continuing purchases by the Fed.

Importantly, the suspension of the debt ceiling we spoke about last time has been signed into law by the President.  There is now no limit whatsoever on what the federal government can borrow, and therefore spend.  The federal government has now taken a big leap down the road to hyperinflation of the US dollar.

Remember, hyperinflation is not an event, it is a process.  Hyperinflation occurs when changes are made to eliminate prudent checks-and-balances.  The big change occurred in August 1971 when President Nixon broke the US dollar's constitutional link to gold.  That is when the US government fell over the fiscal cliff, and has been falling since then.

There have been dozens of other changes since 1971, but suspending the debt ceiling means the last restraint on government spending has been eliminated.  With the Federal Reserve committed to buying US government debt, nearly everything is in place for hyperinflation.

The sovereign debt downgrades in recent years have lit a slow fuse.  It is a sign that the big countries resting on their past laurels can no longer expect a free-ride from the rating agencies.  Therefore, it won't be long before this burning fuse hits the UK, the US, Japan or a number of other countries.  When it does, an explosion in prices will be the hyperinflationary result.  Thousands of years of history have taught us unequivocally that the best way to protect investors and savers from the coming carnage is to own physical gold and silver.”

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The interviews with Gerald Celente, Eric Sprott, Art Cashin, Michael Pento, MEP Nigel Farage, and Michael Belkin are available now.  Also, be sure to listen to the other recent KWN interviews which included James Dines, William Kaye, John Embry, Jean-Marie Eveillard, Rick Rule and Pierre Lassonde by CLICKING HERE.

Eric King

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Ex-Soros Advisor Sells "Almost All" Japan Holdings, Shorts Bonds; Sees Market Crash, Default And Hyperinflation

Former Soros' Japan advisor Fujimaki takes center stage: “The volatility in the JGB market as well as the fact that there is large selling represent fear among investors,” Fujimaki said. “They are early signs of a larger selloff and we should continue to monitor the moves in the long-term bonds.” Fujimaki said he recently bought put options for Japanese government bonds of various maturities, without elaborating. He continues to hold real estate in Japan and options granting the right to sell the yen against the greenback expiring in less than five years. He also holds assets in U.S. dollars and currencies of other developed nations. "Japan’s finance is sinking into the ocean,” Fujimaki said. “There’s no escape from a market crash in the future when you have such enormous debt.”  By expanding the monetary base to 270 trillion yen, the BOJ is making a huge bet which I think it will ultimately lose,” Fujimaki said in an interview in Tokyo on April 11. “Kuroda’s QE announcement is declaring double suicide with the government. The BOJ will have to share the country’s fate and default together. Shirakawa did more than enough and he had good reasons to not do any more,” said Fujimaki. “There will be tremendous side effects from monetary stimulus. QE doesn’t work and has no exit... Things may look rosy for now as stocks rise, but should we see hyper-inflation, JGBs will see a huge selloff, leading to a stock market crash,” said Fujimaki, adding that he sold “almost all” of his Japanese stock holdings some time ago.