Having a financial game plan is critical to your health. Most people believe that currency is money. It is not! What people call money is a receipt for real money. Real money can only be gold or silver. It can not be made of paper that somebody prints whenever they want. Imagine if your could just print money whenever you needed it? Well that is exactly what is happening. When the governments of the world want some money to pay their bills they just print it and then you the public have to pay it back with interest. This information is critical to your survival. Without it you have no chance of surviving.
The really bad thing is that they always print and the public always owe more than you can ever pay back. This is how the economies of the world are collapsed and controlled. In other words the more "money" they print the more we have to pay with our labor. It is the same trick a pimp uses on a prostitute. Make the prostitute owe more than she can ever pay back so that she has to be your slave until you do not need her any more; only when they do not need you any more they get rid of you.
Another issue is that governments can not resist the temptation to just print money to pay their bills. They do not produce anything. They have nothing to sell so the prevailing idea is to "take{" it by force or coercion. The problem is that the more money they print the less value the money has. On top of that currency value is no longer backed by gold or silver. It is backed by nothing except our good faith. In other words, it is backed by thin air. Let me add one last and very important issue for you to think about. The people who control the money are not the government. They are private banks who have been appointed by the government to issue the money, control the interest rates and make monetary policy. This has happened in every country. So if we don't like their choices we can not vote them out of office. It is a private company that makes all the decisions. Is there any wonder why they decided to pay themselves Trillions of dollars which you have to pay back plus interest? After all it is their opinion that those little pieces of paper belong to them
This means that economies are manipulate and can be collapsed at any time and you, the unsuspecting, TV watching people can be bankrupted any time for any reason that the powers that be choose. In fact, that is what is happening around the world. People of the world are being bankrupted and impoverished as a means of controlling the dictating political narrative and forcing them in to servitude.
What does this have to do with your health? When you are impoverished you starve. You can not afford to eat properly and you are willing to eat food that will cause you to become ill. Have you ever noticed how natural foods cost more than junk. Where do poor people eat? Fast food joints. And then we wonder why are we fat and sick.
Why would anyone want us to become ill? Believe it or not there is evil in this world. That evil through its representatives openly admits that they want to eliminate 90% of the world population on the planet. That is why there is spraying in the air, chemicals in the water, chemicals in the food and endless wars that they start. Some persons who are at the peak of power and control have openly stated that they want to see the population of the world dropped from 7 Billion people to 1.2 Billion people. Bill Gates and other billionaires are among them. Bill Gates openly says that he wants to use vaccines to eliminate most of the people. This man who never graduated university and claims to have created the DOS and Windows with IBM help feels that it is his job to eliminate us. And lots of nuts also applaud his words. I wonder if he believes in God?
But don't expect this to be announced on the TV or the newspapers. These same nuts also own the newspapers and Media outlets. They want it to be a surprise so that they can capture as many unsuspecting people in their trap as possible. Just look around you and what do you see? Fat and dying people who think that their illness is a mystery and an accident. But, they do not want you to die too soon. They want to milk you for all they can get first. These are parasites who live off of you and me. Instead they offer us junk food, medicines, and and free medical insurance which we have to pay for.
Now they want you to stop driving cars and begin living in tiny apartments like cages where they can tax your every movement even your exhalation, CO2. You see they just want to enslave us and that enslavement is happening right now.
But what can we do about it? We created World Health Team to help people around the world become healthy, stay healthy, make money and protect themselves. We are now launching our affordable gold and silver program as part of our plan to help you protect your financial well being.
The only way to protect yourself from currency manipulation and inflation is to own gold and silver as a hedge. They can not print more gold and silver. This is not an investment but a way of making sure that as they debase your currency you can maintain your financial health as well.
What is affordable about gold and silver? Not long ago gold sold for $30 per ounce. Today that same gold sells for $1600 per ounce. Its a similar story for silver. Its not that these precious metals went up in price. It is more that the value of the currency actually went down! Therefore, it takes more currency to buy the same amount of gold and silver.
Now here is the interesting point. These parasites have done every trick in the book to make gold and silver as unattractive to the public as possible and to persuade you to trade in paper currency instead. That means they have artificially kept gold and silver prices down. But that does not matter because the pressure just keeps on building and building and sooner or later the price of gold and silver will skyrocket. And when it does if you own some gold and silver you will be sitting pretty while the rest of the people are bankrupt and starving. Already you can see gold and silver buying places springing up to help people who want to sell their gold and silver.
Quietly governments around the world have been buying gold and silver by the ton. What do they know that you don't? The biggest buyer of gold is China. They buy precious metals with the cash we gave them for their cheaply made trinkets of plastic. These people are not dumb. They know what has value and what does not. Do you?
What we want you to do is the same as the governments and the Chinese have done. Hold gold and silver. And we have made it so cheap that anybody can buy some. What is unique about what we are doing for our members is that we have arranged to provide gold and silver to you in small amounts. We sell gold and silver by the gram or smaller. Do not be fooled by the size. In some countries if you do not have a speck of gold you do not eat. Take a look at Zimbabwe. See this video about "Gold For Bread".
World Health Team is actively working in Africa to do something about the health problems there. At the same time we want all of our members to protect themselves fully so that they and their families will not end up in the same boat.
Hyperinflation has already gripped the world. It just has not been proclaimed on the TV or news media. But if you do your research you will see for yourself. Don't wait until they announce it. By then it will be too late and the prices will go sky high. You must begin to collect gold and silver now. Start small but don't take too much time. Europe is already collapsing. And become as healthy as possible so that you will not be forced to take their dangerous medications and eat their chemical foods and become a victim of their disgusting plan.
This will not be the first time that society was deliberately collapsed. During the Weimer Republic in Germany a loaf of bread cost a wheel barrel of currency because the currency was worthless. Here take a look at the progression of gold and silver cost during the Weimer Republic:
Hyperinflation: Wiemar, Germany January 1919 to November 1923
[Expressed in German Marks needed to by an oz. of ag (silver) or au (gold)]
Jan. 1919
Silver 12
Gold 170
May. 1919
Silver 17
Gold 267
Sept. 1919
Silver 31
Gold 499
Jan. 1920
Silver 84
Gold 1,340
May 1920
Silver 60
Gold 966
Sept. 1921
Silver 80
Gold 2,175
Jan. 1922
Silver 249
Gold 3,976
May. 1922
Silver 375
Gold 6,012
Sept. 1922
Silver 1899
Gold 30,381
Jan. 1923
Silver 23,277
Gold 372,447
May. 1923
Silver 44,397
Gold 710,355
June 5, 1923
Silver 80,953
Gold 1,295,256
July 3, 1923
Silver 207,239
Gold 3,315,831
Aug. 7, 1923
Silver 4,273,874
Gold 68,382,000
Sept. 4, 1923
Silver 16,839,937
Gold 269,429,000
Oct. 2, 1923
Silver 414,484,000
Gold 6,631,749,000
Oct. 9, 1923
Silver 1,554,309,000
Gold 24,868,950,000
Oct. 16, 1923
Silver 5,319,567,000
Gold 84,969,072,000
Oct. 23, 1923
Silver 7,253,460,000
Gold 1,160,552,662,000
Oct. 30, 1923
Silver 8,419,200,000
Gold 1,347,070,000,000
Nov. 5, 1923
Silver 54,375,000,000
Gold 8,700,000,000,000
Nov. 13, 1923
Silver 108,750,000,000
Gold 17,400,000,000,000
Nov. 30, 1923
Silver 543,750,000,000
Gold 87,000,000,000,000
That is called Hyperinflation. It is already here.
Contact Us Here to order your physical fractional gold and take delivery.
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