We have made it easy for you:
1. Free to register
2. Buy as little as 1/2 gram
3. In vest as little as 55 Euros at today's prices
4. Use our vault in Switzerland at no charge or have it shipped to you.
5. We agree to buy your gold back at a given price
6. Make money by enrolling others to be distributors at no charge.
7. Every Kine bar is registered and will be replaced for free if lost or stolen
8. There are no middlemen. We own the gold mine.
9. KB Gold (Vision) is a well known German company with a 17 year history of success.
10. We exist for one reason, to protect your assets
Register Here: http://www.kb-vision.com/?s=greenshield
Surviving The Economic Collapse - With more than 45 years of experience in real world financial transactions around the world we are pleased to offer you non-banking solutions to today's financial crisis. Free consultation and information.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Gerald Celente: 100% in
Learn why Gerald Celente holds all his assets in gold: http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2011/8/30_Gerald_Celente_-_Im_Now_100_In_Gold,_Roubini_is_Wrong.html
Register Here: http://www.kb-vision.com/?s=greenshield
Absolute Must Read: Surge in gold and silver ownership worldwide as doomsday nears
JUNE 23, 2011
Author: Lawrence Williams
Posted: Thursday , 23 Jun 2011
As the implications of the global financial crisis are at long last beginning to filter through to the general public, the move to dump cash and other savings forms in favour of gold and silver - notably in the easily accessible and sellable coin form is now really beginning to gather momentum and is becoming a major driver of the precious metals markets.
We have long known that the rising, and rapidly expanding, middle classes in Asia have an almost inbuilt propensity to keep a significant proportion of their savings in gold while the less costly silver is now beginning to come into the equation. This has been emphasized recently with the news that the people's Bank of China has already had to virtually more than double its minting of its gold and silver Panda series of coins, despite the previous quota for this year itself already being double last year's with the populace buying gold and silver as a hedge against the onset of inflation there.
Now we hear that the Perth Mint in Australia has been selling record numbers of silver coins so far this year and although we don't have figures yet, gold coin sales there are also said to be at record numbers.
In the U.S., the U.S. Mint has been reporting record sales levels of its gold and silver coins, while we hear that, not surprisingly, the Greeks are flocking to purchase gold and silver in the midst of their financial crisis as their trust in banks has virtually disappeared.
Indeed it is this last factor which really should be in the mindset of anyone who is looking to wealth protection in the current economic crisis virtually wherever they may be located. The general consensus is that there will inevitably be a Greek default, if not next week, when parliament has to vote on the hugely unpopular austerity measures, but before long as even with a temporary EU and IMF bailout, the figures do not suggest that a default can ultimately be avoided.
French and German banks in particular are hugely directly vulnerable to a Greek default, but it is the indirect exposure that could be truly frightening for the whole of western society. As was the case with Lehmann Brothers the tentacles of a major bank collapse spread globally - and the Greek situation is far worse than Lehmann. The other knock-on effect of a Greek default is that those banks still left in business will be jacking interest rates to the other PIIGS economies sky high in fear that they will default as well - which of course in itself could drive them to default as there is then no way they could service their debts. In the dog-eat-dog world of current finance it is difficult to see sufficient co-operation between the banks to avert this - no bank will trust another not to go down so interbank lending and co-operation will die almost overnight.
Just as the European banking sector proved hugely vulnerable to the U.S. sub prime crisis, so in this case would the U.S. banks be to a Eurozone financial crisis of even bigger proportions. The dominoes that could fall following a Greek default include a number of countries, lots of smaller banks, some major ones. The carnage could be horrendous virtually wiping out many peoples' savings across the whole of the Western world as banks collapse, housing values plummet , stock markets crumble etc.: The Great Depression 2.- but even worse this time.
We are already seeing the impact in Greece in particular. The populace is already out on the streets vigorously protesting the current austerity measures - and the new proposals on which any kind of bailout depends are even more stringent! This is a pattern we may see across the whole of Europe - and it could well filter through to the U.S. too. The U.K.'s unions are already promising the nearest thing yet to another general strike with proposed co-ordinated action this summer. As in the so-called Arab Spring the natural outcome is blood on the streets as governments of whatever persuasion fight to maintain control.
And the U.S. public has still not really come to grips with its own dire financial situation. Quite apart from the enormous federal deficit, States like California and Illinois are themselves virtually bankrupt - and they have far bigger economies than Greece!
It could even be the death of Capitalism. Ironically nations like Russia and China may be far more protected from this kind of fallout than the rest of Europe and North America. The perception of pursuit of wealth for wealth's sake and the greed of the financial elite could create a groundswell of public opinion and action beyond control. Bankers, hedge fund managers, stockbrokers, the perceived financial class could be targeted individually - it may be safer for them to stay at home barricading themselves in their mansions!
Now this painting of a doomsday scenario is a warning to investors and, perhaps, politicians everywhere. Hopefully it won't happen - at least not to the extent suggested above - but one can't help but think it is probably as well to keep a proportion of one's savings in precious metals as the Greek public is doing, as the Chinese are doing, as the Indians are doing, as the Arab world is doing, as the Australians seem to be beginning to do as are the Germans and Austrians and some Americans. In the immortal words of Yogi Berra "It ain't over ‘til it's over" - and it certainly ain't over yet.
Sign Up here to buy Affordable Gold: http://www.kb-vision.com/?s=greenshield
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
U.S. Attorney Threatens Coin Confiscation
By Paul Gilkes Coin World Staff
Liberty Dollars held by collectors may be subject to seizure as contraband by federal law enforcement, officials with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and Secret Service said Aug. 24.
Statements by officials for those two federal law enforcement agencies seem to reverse the position taken in comments released from the United States Attorney’s Office in Charlotte, N.C., and published in Coin World in April, that mere possession of Liberty Dollars did not constitute a violation of any federal statute. That position has apparently changed, although officials of the U.S. Secret Service — which would be the federal agency likely charged with executing any possible seizures — would not provide any definitive comments concerning under what circumstances Liberty Dollars would be seized.
Register Here: http://www.kb-vision.com/?s=greenshield
Liberty Dollars held by collectors may be subject to seizure as contraband by federal law enforcement, officials with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and Secret Service said Aug. 24.
Statements by officials for those two federal law enforcement agencies seem to reverse the position taken in comments released from the United States Attorney’s Office in Charlotte, N.C., and published in Coin World in April, that mere possession of Liberty Dollars did not constitute a violation of any federal statute. That position has apparently changed, although officials of the U.S. Secret Service — which would be the federal agency likely charged with executing any possible seizures — would not provide any definitive comments concerning under what circumstances Liberty Dollars would be seized.
Register Here: http://www.kb-vision.com/?s=greenshield
Do it now while you still can. But open your free account with us today. Sign up here: OK let's get real, today you may own gold and silver. The day may come when Americans may not be allowed to own gold and silver. Confiscation is a real possibility.
Our legal solution is:
1. Buy Affordable Gold
2. Store your gold in our vault in Switzerland at no charge
3. Liquidate your gold as necessary
Do it now while you still can. But open your free account with us today.
Sign up here: http://www.kb-vision.com/?s=greenshield
Monday, August 29, 2011
Hello and thank you for your interest in buying affordable gold. I commend you on taking positive action to protect your assets and making money at the same time :
1. Hedge against inflation and currency devaluation
2. A profitable investment
3. Movement of assets beyond the reach of unwarranted government seizure
4. A means of earning income by referring others to our program
Over the next few months you will see gold go up in value as never before. This is because all currencies of almost every country on Earth have become so devalued. In fact gold has risen in value by 400% over the last 10 years.
During the Weimar Republic of Germany gold and silver rose from a price in German Mark of 12 for silver and 170 for gold in January of 1919 to 543,750,000,000 for silver and 87,000,000,000,000 for gold in November 1923. Look it up if you do not believe me.
This is about that incredible rise in gold prices and how you can profit from it. And survive economic collapse.
Governments tend to print currency when they need to spend. It is a cheap way to pay for things. The problem is that when they print paper currency they devalue it at the same time. This has devastating consequences for people who have exchanged their labor for currency. Since the paper currency is not linked to anything of value in effect the working person has exchanged his labor for worthless paper.
Governments spend lots of money to persuade people that cash is money. The only things that meet all the requirements to be money are gold and silver. Anything that is based on paper, contracts, bills, debit cards, credit cards, stocks, bonds or promises can be manipulated and can have no real inherent wealth or value.
If you really want to learn how to profit from gold and silver read this blog regularly, http:goldenladyfun.blogspot.com. Do not hesitate to write me with your questions. I will help you earn lots of money and protect your assets.
Here is my strategy for wealth accumulation and protection:
1. Register as a member of KB Gold. Go here: http://www.kb-vision.com/?s=greenshield . Its free.
2. Buy KB Gold. KB Gold sells 1 gram Kine bars of gold.(gold is usually sold in troy ounces, coins or jewelry). 1 gram is a fractional weight which can be easily purchased, transported, used to pay for things or turned back into cash. KB also attaches a certificate to the gold which authenticates and identifies each bar. KB will replace your gold for free if it is lost or stolen. Another advantage of KB is that they will ship your gold to you or they will store it in their vault in Switzerland along which just happens to be in the same location as the Swiss governments gold.
3. Become a distributor. When you register with KB you automatically become a distributor and can make commissions when anyone you introduced to KB Gold buys gold. Now you are a gold merchant.
4. Open an account at KB by registering
5. Deposit currency into your account to buy gold. The minimum amount is 50 Euros per month. I suggest you deposit as much as you can afford as I am sure gold will go up in price. Remember the Weimar Republic.
6. Now your assets are in a vault in Switzerland. You can monitor your account through your KB back office online. Watch gold prices rise as cash becomes less and less valuable
7. Get a legal second passport for you and your family. I will show you how . This has nothing to do with KB. It will cost about $70,000.
8. Now you can go where ever you want whenever you want.
9. Caution - Do not pay attention to T.V., movies and music which are designed deliberately to keep you believing in paper while the rich get richer from buying gold and silver. ( Gold use to be $300 per ounce just a few years ago. Today it sells for $1860 per ounce.) Also avoid coins and jewelry since there is usually a premium charged on top of the gold or silver and they can be fake.
10. Finally, my friends smile. Now you know how to be rich, keep your wealth and be free.
Sign Up Here: http://www.kb-vision.com/?s=greenshield
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Leave America?
LEAVE AMERICA? I am not the first person to say this. The wealthy have already left. Many Americans are abandoning a sinking ship. Do you remember that movie called “TITANIC”. Well America is your Titanic. It hit an iceberg. The ship is going down. The crew already know it. But they are not going to tell you until its too late.
I am not going into why this is happening. The real question is how do you survive it? More importantly is how do you abandon ship? Where do you go? What do you do?
I will help you:
1. Turn off that distraction in the living room called a T.V.
2. Buy gold and silver now
3. Do not hold your wealth in paper currency, contracts or promises
4. Get a passport
5. Become a sales person for my company helping others to buy gold or silver now
6. Go to: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com and sign-up for free as a distributor under “greenshield”
7. Watch that blog for the latest news
8. Get you and your family ready to move
9. Contact me directly for further details
10. Pray to God
God bless
I am not going into why this is happening. The real question is how do you survive it? More importantly is how do you abandon ship? Where do you go? What do you do?
I will help you:
1. Turn off that distraction in the living room called a T.V.
2. Buy gold and silver now
3. Do not hold your wealth in paper currency, contracts or promises
4. Get a passport
5. Become a sales person for my company helping others to buy gold or silver now
6. Go to: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com and sign-up for free as a distributor under “greenshield”
7. Watch that blog for the latest news
8. Get you and your family ready to move
9. Contact me directly for further details
10. Pray to God
God bless
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Will History Repeat Itself?
Will History Repeat Itself? Remember the Weimar Republic - Hyperinflation: Weimar, Germany January 1919 to November 1923 [Expressed in German Marks needed to buy an oz. of ag. or au.]"
Jan. 1919
Silver 12
Gold 170
May. 1919
Silver 17
Gold 267
Sept. 1919
Silver 31
Gold 499
Jan. 1920
Silver 84
Gold 1,340
May 1920
Silver 60
Gold 966
Sept. 1921
Silver 80
Gold 2,175
Jan. 1922
Silver 249
Gold 3,976
May. 1922
Silver 375
Gold 6,012
Sept. 1922
Silver 1899
Gold 30,381
Jan. 1923
Silver 23,277
Gold 372,447
May. 1923
Silver 44,397
Gold 710,355
June 5, 1923
Silver 80,953
Gold 1,295,256
July 3, 1923
Silver 207,239
Gold 3,315,831
Aug. 7, 1923
Silver 4,273,874
Gold 68,382,000
Sept. 4, 1923
Silver 16,839,937
Gold 269,429,000
Oct. 2, 1923
Silver 414,484,000
Gold 6,631,749,000
Oct. 9, 1923
Silver 1,554,309,000
Gold 24,868,950,000
Oct. 16, 1923
Silver 5,319,567,000
Gold 84,969,072,000
Oct. 23, 1923
Silver 7,253,460,000
Gold 1,160,552,662,000
Oct. 30, 1923
Silver 8,419,200,000
Gold 1,347,070,000,000
Nov. 5, 1923
Silver 54,375,000,000
Gold 8,700,000,000,000
Nov. 13, 1923
Silver 108,750,000,000
Gold 17,400,000,000,000
Nov. 30, 1923
Silver 543,750,000,000
Gold 87,000,000,000,000
Let us help you buy physical gold while you still can afford it. goldenladyfun.blogspot.com
Jan. 1919
Silver 12
Gold 170
May. 1919
Silver 17
Gold 267
Sept. 1919
Silver 31
Gold 499
Jan. 1920
Silver 84
Gold 1,340
May 1920
Silver 60
Gold 966
Sept. 1921
Silver 80
Gold 2,175
Jan. 1922
Silver 249
Gold 3,976
May. 1922
Silver 375
Gold 6,012
Sept. 1922
Silver 1899
Gold 30,381
Jan. 1923
Silver 23,277
Gold 372,447
May. 1923
Silver 44,397
Gold 710,355
June 5, 1923
Silver 80,953
Gold 1,295,256
July 3, 1923
Silver 207,239
Gold 3,315,831
Aug. 7, 1923
Silver 4,273,874
Gold 68,382,000
Sept. 4, 1923
Silver 16,839,937
Gold 269,429,000
Oct. 2, 1923
Silver 414,484,000
Gold 6,631,749,000
Oct. 9, 1923
Silver 1,554,309,000
Gold 24,868,950,000
Oct. 16, 1923
Silver 5,319,567,000
Gold 84,969,072,000
Oct. 23, 1923
Silver 7,253,460,000
Gold 1,160,552,662,000
Oct. 30, 1923
Silver 8,419,200,000
Gold 1,347,070,000,000
Nov. 5, 1923
Silver 54,375,000,000
Gold 8,700,000,000,000
Nov. 13, 1923
Silver 108,750,000,000
Gold 17,400,000,000,000
Nov. 30, 1923
Silver 543,750,000,000
Gold 87,000,000,000,000
Let us help you buy physical gold while you still can afford it. goldenladyfun.blogspot.com
Make Money While You Stack
For those of you who are still asleep here is a young man that knows more about stacking than 99% of the population. Its only a matter of time before there will be no more gold and silver to buy. You better buy from us now. We own our own gold mine, refinery, vaults and distribution channels,.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Thursday Is The Buy Day
Gold Intelligence - Buy gold on Thursday.
Thursday, 25 August is the day that certain gold contracts must be settled. This means that Thursday is the day to buy gold. It is expected to continue its climb towards $5000 after Thursday.
Buy your gold from us in the form of 1 gram bars. By the gram it is more affordable. Go here for more information: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com Enter "greenshield" in the upper left corner of the form.
Thursday, 25 August is the day that certain gold contracts must be settled. This means that Thursday is the day to buy gold. It is expected to continue its climb towards $5000 after Thursday.
Buy your gold from us in the form of 1 gram bars. By the gram it is more affordable. Go here for more information: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com Enter "greenshield" in the upper left corner of the form.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Why Buy Gold - A Technical Analysis
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Gold And Silver Confiscation Rumors
Gold And Silver Confiscation - There are rumors that gold and silver may be confiscated from Americans. This would not be the first time in history that such measures were taken. In 1933 the Roosevelt Administration made Executive Order 6102, forbidding Americans from hording monetary gold. Americans who held large accounts of gold moved their gold overseas to Switzerland in order to avoid confiscation.
Today with gold approaching $2000 and forecast to reach $5000 in a few years, hording or saving gold is the strategy for millions of Americans. Therefore, we anticipate rules being made to prevent the continuation by millions more to make an obvious financial choice.
T.V. does not like to talk about the flight of money to gold. They would have you believe that jewelry is the only use for gold. Not true. Gold has been the accepted way of holding wealth for 4000 years. But there are some who think gold is only for the rich.
Holding your worth in paper is very foolish and will result in financial loss. Holding your worth in affordable gold is much safer with a history of appreciating value that is plain to see.
We do not sell gold coins or jewelry. We sell gold bars in the small amount of 1 gram. In these small amounts even the little guy has a chance to buy gold and watch its worth rise. Further, we support families by storing the gold bars for free in our vaults in Switzerland or shipping them to the purchaser at any time.
You have a right and an obligation to protect your family financially. In 1933 gold was priced at $29 per ounce. By the end of this year JP Morgan estimates its value at $2500 per ounce.
Protect yourself. Buy gold now while you still can. Be a part of the profit side of the equation. Don't be forced to deal in worthless paper.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Buy Fractional Gold
Gold is at $1860 per ounce. We sell small bars of gold compete with certificate for less than $70. We are the only company selling affordable gold. This allows the average person to participate in the profit of gold and be able to buy food or rent or whatever.
Better than that we allow you to keep your gold in our Swiss vault until needed. We offer you the opportunity to own gold, not coins or jewelry. You own actual gold bars without the premium added for minting coins making jewelry.
Visit us at: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com . Let us teach you how.
Better than that we allow you to keep your gold in our Swiss vault until needed. We offer you the opportunity to own gold, not coins or jewelry. You own actual gold bars without the premium added for minting coins making jewelry.
Visit us at: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com . Let us teach you how.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Chavez Requests His 211 MT of Gold
Venezuela recalls and demands return of its gold deposit in London, about 211 metric tonnes. Rumors abound that perhaps the physical gold is not readily available for delivery. This comes on the tail end of Louise Yamada's technical forecast on CNBC that gold would reach $5000. Could the demand for delivery by Chavez help to make this tremendous leap in gold pricing a reality? The rather limited amount of gold that has ever been mined in history versus the American debt of $14 to $16 trillion is what is pushing the gold prices through the roof.
We are proud to be making our 1 gram gold bars available at prices that anyone can afford. Learn more here: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com .
Venezuela To Nationalize Gold Industry
Venezuela's president Chavez stated his intention to nationalize the gold industry in his country. He said that the military would be used to enforce the nationalization. This news comes as gold hit over $1800 per ounce.
It is clear why Chavez wants to keep Venezuelan gold under his control. At $1800 or more gold is best stored in your own vault or ours. Gold is expected to reach $5000 in the next few years. This is good news for those who hold gold. But for those holding Dollars, Euros or other paper currency or paper equivalent like plastic or carbon credits the news is dire.
Buy gold today. We sell fractional gold bars in the form of 1 gram bars for less than $60. Go to: goldenlady.blogspot.com
It is clear why Chavez wants to keep Venezuelan gold under his control. At $1800 or more gold is best stored in your own vault or ours. Gold is expected to reach $5000 in the next few years. This is good news for those who hold gold. But for those holding Dollars, Euros or other paper currency or paper equivalent like plastic or carbon credits the news is dire.
Buy gold today. We sell fractional gold bars in the form of 1 gram bars for less than $60. Go to: goldenlady.blogspot.com
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The Little Guy Goes All In
Some financial analyst are now expecting gold to hit $5000 per ounce in the near future. Yesterday on CNBC a well known analyst predicted that gold would reach this incredible figure in a year or two. From where gold sits today, at around $1800 per ounce this is great news for holders of gold but bad news for holders of cash. It was also recommended in Germany's leading tabloid, Das Bild, that people should hold gold instead of paper. It was a front page article.
Let's face it, the more unstable the global economy becomes the more there is a flight to gold. Countries like Vietnam are flying with huge purchases of gold.
There are many reasons that gold has become the choice of millions of people. One aspect is what gold trader and radio host, Robby Noel calls "Counter Party Risk". In this case Mr. Noel means all the advisers, consultants, accountants, lawyers and evaluators who in some way have been involved in the evaluation, issuance and authentication of a monetary document. If any of these persons made an error or misrepresentation it could have a negative impact on the paper in question. This exposure is a considerable risk when dealing with paper and not found with metals like gold and silver. Put simply, there is much room for discrepancy when dealing with paper or paper equivalents like credit cards, debit cards, digital money, mortgages, shares, bills and even gold or silver contracts.
We sell fractional physical gold in the form of 1 gram bars. This way even the average man or woman can afford to get involved. Hold your gold in our vaults in Switzerland then liquidate them if and when necessary. For as little as $60 you can be apart of this once in a lifetime profit surge. Now you can be a part of the winning team. Go to: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com for free information. Let us help you.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Ron Paul for President - He can and will
Ron Paul for President! - Yes he can and will - goldenladyfun.blogspot.com
The 100th Monkey
The Hundredth Monkey - This is a concept that says when enough people become aware of something the idea is communicated mind to mind even across oceans. That number is represented by the "100th monkey".
In this case the fact that paper money or investments can be artificially manipulated and that only through precious metals can true wealth be attained and protected is a growing idea which has finally started to catch on to the average man and woman. People are starting to wake up to the fact that one must possess gold in order to prosper in this day and age.
Hollywood would have you believe that by living from cash flow you can survive. But the fact is as long as you derive your wealth from cash flow or income you must always work more and more for less and less. This is why income tax is based on income or cash flow. Truly wealthy persons are not so much concentrated on income but more so focused on growing true assets. Gold (or silver for that matter) is not taxed until you sell it and realize a profit. That is why the wealthy hold gold, silver, art work, wine or any other assets that go up in value. Cars, boats, fur coats go down in value. They try to train the public that these things mean wealth. In reality they mean slavery. When was the last time you saw Bill Gates wearing a fur coat driving a Ferrari? He knows something that most people don't. Bling is for slaves.
Hollywood, T.V. and music videos have a vested interest in showing luxury cars and cash. These things do not go up in value. They lose value. The idea that one can create wealth by spending cash is ridiculous. Yet that idea is continuously presented to the public and consumed like popcorn.
The real wealth strategy is not based on worthless paper investments, stocks, 401K's and pension plans. They are based on hard assets in a vault.
Buy gold with your worthless paper. Store the gold in our vaults in Switzerland. Liquidate it when you need to. Now you really are wealthy. Let me show you how. I sell 1 gram gold bars with certificates for less than $60. Go to: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com to learn more.
Will you be the 100th monkey?
In this case the fact that paper money or investments can be artificially manipulated and that only through precious metals can true wealth be attained and protected is a growing idea which has finally started to catch on to the average man and woman. People are starting to wake up to the fact that one must possess gold in order to prosper in this day and age.
Hollywood would have you believe that by living from cash flow you can survive. But the fact is as long as you derive your wealth from cash flow or income you must always work more and more for less and less. This is why income tax is based on income or cash flow. Truly wealthy persons are not so much concentrated on income but more so focused on growing true assets. Gold (or silver for that matter) is not taxed until you sell it and realize a profit. That is why the wealthy hold gold, silver, art work, wine or any other assets that go up in value. Cars, boats, fur coats go down in value. They try to train the public that these things mean wealth. In reality they mean slavery. When was the last time you saw Bill Gates wearing a fur coat driving a Ferrari? He knows something that most people don't. Bling is for slaves.
Hollywood, T.V. and music videos have a vested interest in showing luxury cars and cash. These things do not go up in value. They lose value. The idea that one can create wealth by spending cash is ridiculous. Yet that idea is continuously presented to the public and consumed like popcorn.
The real wealth strategy is not based on worthless paper investments, stocks, 401K's and pension plans. They are based on hard assets in a vault.
Buy gold with your worthless paper. Store the gold in our vaults in Switzerland. Liquidate it when you need to. Now you really are wealthy. Let me show you how. I sell 1 gram gold bars with certificates for less than $60. Go to: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com to learn more.
Will you be the 100th monkey?
Monday, August 15, 2011
Offshore Accounts
One strategy for surviving the economic collapse is to open an offshore bank account and hold your money in gold. This is readily done by opening an account and holding your gold in vaults in Switzerland.
When you want you can remove your gold as necessary. We will even buy your gold back from you. Buy a 1 gram bar of gold from us for less than $60. Go to my blog to learn more: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com
When you want you can remove your gold as necessary. We will even buy your gold back from you. Buy a 1 gram bar of gold from us for less than $60. Go to my blog to learn more: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com
Surviving Economic Collapse
If you are going to survive the financial collapse you have to realize that the people who have caused the economic collapse are experts at distracting the public and manipulating them to paper money. The only way to survive this collapse is by converting your assets to gold or silver. These crooks are trying to put gold prices beyond the reach of average people. Financial analyst like JP Morgan forecast gold to hit $2500 by the end of this year. That means that today's price of $1740 is estimated to increase by 70% in the next 14 weeks.
How do you take advantage of this price increase? Buy gold. We sell 1 gram of gold for $56 today. Any serious person concerned with protecting his assets or family can afford to buy at least 1 gram. That one gram is forecast to be worth $95 by the end of the year. We also can keep your gold in our vault in Switzerland at no cost or ship it to you. As a further testimony of our confidence we will buy your gold from you at an agreed price.
One strategy could be to convert your cash assets to gold and store it for free outside the U.S. where you can claim it any time you wish. Eventually you will not be able to move your assets outside of the U.S.
For more information go to: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com
How do you take advantage of this price increase? Buy gold. We sell 1 gram of gold for $56 today. Any serious person concerned with protecting his assets or family can afford to buy at least 1 gram. That one gram is forecast to be worth $95 by the end of the year. We also can keep your gold in our vault in Switzerland at no cost or ship it to you. As a further testimony of our confidence we will buy your gold from you at an agreed price.
One strategy could be to convert your cash assets to gold and store it for free outside the U.S. where you can claim it any time you wish. Eventually you will not be able to move your assets outside of the U.S.
For more information go to: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Use Our Vault
Not only do we sell gold but we agree to buy it back from you if you need to sell. Our current price of a 1 gram gold bar is $57. We will buy it back at $45. Other benefits are that you can store your gold for free in our vault in Switzerland. Or if you prefer we will ship it directly to you for self storage. By the way, if the gold and certificate are ever lost or stolen we will replace it for free.
There is some evidence that Americans will one day in the near future not be able to leave their own country with their own money. Our strategy would be to store your gold in the vault in Switzerland outside of the U.S. and have your nest egg waiting for you should things get crazy. But don't expect the T.V. news to tell you about this. That information is confidential.
True inflation is eating away at your assets like termites eating away at wood. If you have any cash it would be better to convert it into gold to preserve it and then either use it to buy cash as needed or trade it for goods and services. If you leave it as paper not only can it be manipulated but it can be devalued by printing more of it.
Be ahead of the crowd and buy our gold by the 1 gram bar while you still can: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com
There is some evidence that Americans will one day in the near future not be able to leave their own country with their own money. Our strategy would be to store your gold in the vault in Switzerland outside of the U.S. and have your nest egg waiting for you should things get crazy. But don't expect the T.V. news to tell you about this. That information is confidential.
True inflation is eating away at your assets like termites eating away at wood. If you have any cash it would be better to convert it into gold to preserve it and then either use it to buy cash as needed or trade it for goods and services. If you leave it as paper not only can it be manipulated but it can be devalued by printing more of it.
Be ahead of the crowd and buy our gold by the 1 gram bar while you still can: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com
85% of Americans Are Financially Unprepared
85% of Americans are unprepared financially for retirement or economic calamity. They have no savings. Those who did manage to put some cash away are watching their savings diminish by inflation, taxes and fees. Many are depending on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid to help them make ends meet. The fact is that most of these programs are under funded and will not be available in the future. That should not be a surprise.
For as little as $60 dollars you can own a 1 gram gold bar. By all estimates that one little piece of metal will be worth hundreds in a relatively short period of time. Learn more about affordable gold here: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com .
For as little as $60 dollars you can own a 1 gram gold bar. By all estimates that one little piece of metal will be worth hundreds in a relatively short period of time. Learn more about affordable gold here: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com .
Friday, August 12, 2011
Filler Up Club
Goldenladyfun is proud to offer 50% off the gasoline price paid at the pump. Goldenladyfun hopes to help people to become financially strong by buying affordable 1 gram gold bars. The group also provides income opportunity to those interested in selling gold and / or auto fuel. Whether you are looking for a job, saving on your gas or securing yourself with low cost gold we are here to help you during challenging times. Check out our blog at: goldenladyfun.blogspot.com
Chicago Man Makes Amazing Discovery
Chicago, U.S.A. - A Chicago man has discovered a new way to pay his bills. Mr. Fred Q. Smith has found a unique way to pay his rent, phone bill and fuel expense for the car with money to spare.
The high tech modern discovery involves going to his basement and printing money. Mr. Smith will not discuss all his trade secrets. But he assured us that his new process is completely safe. When ever he needs money he just goes to his basement and starts up the printing presses. He usually does this at night when no one is watching because the electricity rates are cheaper.
"I no longer have to worry about those pesky economic slow downs because presto-change-o new money can be ready in a jiffy". Now when ever Mrs. Smith wants to go shopping he just prints more money, problem solved.
Whether groceries, gasoline or a new yacht Fred can now afford it all. And the best part is the same paper bills can be used to heat the house, stuff a mattress or line the bird cage. No longer does Fred have to work. He can give his job to foreigners who don't know the secret to eternal wealth yet. Just how much of the paper he has printed or will print is a closely guarded secret. But let's just say its more than enough. Maybe Fred could sell his breakthrough to a government as a means of balancing their budget?
"Now if only I could find a way to lend it out and have others pay it back with interest".
The high tech modern discovery involves going to his basement and printing money. Mr. Smith will not discuss all his trade secrets. But he assured us that his new process is completely safe. When ever he needs money he just goes to his basement and starts up the printing presses. He usually does this at night when no one is watching because the electricity rates are cheaper.
"I no longer have to worry about those pesky economic slow downs because presto-change-o new money can be ready in a jiffy". Now when ever Mrs. Smith wants to go shopping he just prints more money, problem solved.
Whether groceries, gasoline or a new yacht Fred can now afford it all. And the best part is the same paper bills can be used to heat the house, stuff a mattress or line the bird cage. No longer does Fred have to work. He can give his job to foreigners who don't know the secret to eternal wealth yet. Just how much of the paper he has printed or will print is a closely guarded secret. But let's just say its more than enough. Maybe Fred could sell his breakthrough to a government as a means of balancing their budget?
"Now if only I could find a way to lend it out and have others pay it back with interest".
Thursday, August 11, 2011
You Can Buy Gold
Protect Yourself! Buy Gold Now While You Still Can
Buy Affordable Gold, 1 gram at a time:
We have not seen the top yet. Be a part of the upswing. Even JP Morgan forecast $2500 per ounce by year's end.
"Why $5,000 Gold May Be Too Low
March 9, 2011
by: Jeff Clark, BIG GOLD
You already know the basic reasons for owning gold – currency protection, inflation hedge, store of value, calamity insurance – many of which are becoming clichés even in mainstream articles. Throw in the supply and demand imbalance, and you’ve got the basic arguments for why one should hold gold for the foreseeable future.
All of these factors remain very bullish, in spite of gold’s 450% rise over the past 10 years. No, it’s not too late to buy, especially if you don’t own a meaningful amount; and yes, I’m convinced the price is headed much higher, regardless of the corrections we’ll inevitably see. Each of the aforementioned catalysts will force gold’s price higher and higher in the years ahead, especially the currency issues.
But there’s another driver of the price that escapes many gold watchers and certainly the mainstream media. And I’m convinced that once this sleeping giant wakes, it could ignite the gold market like nothing we’ve ever seen.
The fund management industry handles the bulk of the world’s wealth. These institutions include insurance companies, hedge funds, mutual funds, sovereign wealth funds, etc. But the elephant in the room is pension funds. These are institutions that provide retirement income, both public and private.
Global pension assets are estimated to be – drum roll, please – $31.1 trillion. No, that is not a misprint. It is more than twice the size of last year’s GDP in the U.S. ($14.7 trillion).
We know a few hedge fund managers have invested in gold, like John Paulson, David Einhorn, Jean-Marie Eveillard. There are close to twenty mutual funds devoted to gold and precious metals. Lots of gold and silver bugs have been buying.
So, what about pension funds?
Gold Percentage in Pension Funds
According to estimates by Shayne McGuire in his new book, Hard Money; Taking Gold to a Higher Investment Level, the typical pension fund holds about 0.15% of its assets in gold. He estimates another 0.15% is devoted to gold mining stocks, giving us a total of 0.30% – that is, less than one third of one percent of assets committed to the gold sector.
Shayne is head of global research at the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. He bases his estimate on the fact that commodities represent about 3% of the total assets in the average pension fund. And of that 3%, about 5% is devoted to gold. It is, by any account, a negligible portion of a fund’s asset allocation.
Now here’s the fun part. Let’s say fund managers as a group realize that bonds, equities, and real estate have become poor or risky investments and so decide to increase their allocation to the gold market. If they doubled their exposure to gold and gold stocks – which would still represent only 0.6% of their total assets – it would amount to $93.3 billion in new purchases.
How much is that? The assets of GLD total $55.2 billion, so this amount of money is 1.7 times bigger than the largest gold ETF. SLV, the largest silver ETF, has net assets of $9.3 billion, a mere one-tenth of that extra allocation.
The market cap of the entire sector of gold stocks (producers only) is about $234 billion. The gold industry would see a 40% increase in new money to the sector. Its market cap would double if pension institutions allocated just 1.2% of their assets to it.
But what if currency issues spiral out of control? What if bonds wither and die? What if real estate takes ten years to recover? What if inflation becomes a rabid dog like it has every other time in history when governments have diluted their currency to this degree? If these funds allocate just 5% of their assets to gold – which would amount to $1.5 trillion – it would overwhelm the system and rocket prices skyward.
And let’s not forget that this is only one class of institution. Insurance companies have about $18.7 trillion in assets. Hedge funds manage approximately $1.7 trillion. Sovereign wealth funds control $3.8 trillion. Then there are mutual funds, ETFs, private equity funds, and private wealth funds. Throw in millions of retail investors like you and me and Joe Sixpack and Jiao Sixpack, and we’re looking in the rear view mirror at $100 trillion.
I don’t know if pension funds will devote that much money to this sector or not. What I do know is that sovereign debt risks are far from over, the U.S. dollar and other currencies will lose considerably more value against gold, interest rates will most certainly rise in the years ahead, and inflation is just getting started. These forces are in place and building, and if there’s a paradigm shift in how these managers view gold, look out!
I thought of titling this piece, “Why $5,000 Gold May Be Too Low.” Because once fund managers enter the gold market in mass, this tiny sector will light on fire with blazing speed.
My advice is to not just hope you can jump in once these drivers hit the gas, but to claim your seat during the relative calm of this month’s level prices."
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Free Gold
Goldenladyfun is pleased to announce that for the remainder of this year it will give away absolutely free a 1 gram bar of gold each month to one winner. In order to participate in the drawing you must subscribe to Goldenladyfun.blogspot.com for the latest on gold and fill out a KYC application. No purchase is necessary.
Gold to Hit $2500
You must be aware that spot gold as of today has reached the incredible price of $1759 after the recent downgrading of the American credit rating to AA+ by S&P. Miraculously the stock indexes recovered with numbers in the positive. Experts are baffled by the apparent rebounding and robust market despite the Dollar and the Euro showing signs of instability.
Gold continues to be a buy with analyst such as JP Morgan and others forecasting gold to hit $2500 by the end of this year. Our estimates of gold performance at Goldenladyfun is that two year gold will hit $5000. This is based on a strategy by the bankers to price gold beyond the reach of the average buyer. We will see. The G7 are scheduled to meet this week to discuss the current economic challenges.
Still rumors float around that the troublesome credit rating could be further reduced to reflect the deepening American debt crisis. The Administration's positive outlook has buoyed the stock market and has helped to postpone an eventual reconciliation by financial markets of fundamental economic indicators. The next week or so should prove to be interesting.
Gold continues to be a buy with analyst such as JP Morgan and others forecasting gold to hit $2500 by the end of this year. Our estimates of gold performance at Goldenladyfun is that two year gold will hit $5000. This is based on a strategy by the bankers to price gold beyond the reach of the average buyer. We will see. The G7 are scheduled to meet this week to discuss the current economic challenges.
Still rumors float around that the troublesome credit rating could be further reduced to reflect the deepening American debt crisis. The Administration's positive outlook has buoyed the stock market and has helped to postpone an eventual reconciliation by financial markets of fundamental economic indicators. The next week or so should prove to be interesting.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
How To Fight Inflation
One good way to fight worldwide inflation is to buy gold. Gold is the ideal hedge and protection against the constant printing of money. The price of gold has been surpressed. The real price of gold should be about $5,000 per ounce. But the manipulated price is only $1670 per ounce that means that you can buy gold now for half the actual value. Remember that demand causes the price of gold to go up. Now you can buy 1 gram of gold from us for about $56. goldenladyfun.blogspot.com
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Why Should You Own Gold
- You can be a KB customer without being a KB affiliate.
- You can become a KB affiliate and qualify for compensation without ever purchasing anything.
- There are no fees of any kind, ever associated with being an affiliate.
Obviously, there must be sales to generate commissions and if everyone were to do only the above, there would be no sales. But, as you will see, due of the unique tactical advantages KB enjoys in the market place, they have been able to design a program that makes buying gold so easy and affordable they would attract a tremendous customer base regardless of how they chose to market it.
That KB chose to use person to person "word of mouth" marketing, offering their own customers/affiliates a lucrative business opportunity to "earn their gold" for simply sharing the program with others was a stroke of pure genius. Available only in select European countries prior to the June 10th, 2011 USA/Canada opening, the KB program is experiencing massive growth (with exponential growth anticipated as France, Portugal, Spain, Latin America, India and China are scheduled to open within the next few months and the rest of the world shortly thereafter). This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get in on the ground floor of what, from all preliminary indications, will become a global phenomenon. GOLD=FREEDOM. People who own physical gold cannot have their money devalued by unscrupled politicians so they will always have something of value to trade as things get more and more chaotic.
And your timing could not be more perfect, with a paper financial system that is perilously close to collapse, people are experiencing an "en masse" awakening to the importance of owning gold. People are, and will continue, to flock to this program. There is no other program like it in the world. Only through KB can the average family can take a modest sum of money (as little as 50 euro/approx US $70), purchase gold in small enough denominations that they can claim actual ownership, and have it either delivered to them or stored (at no charge) in discreet, secure Swiss vaults. Do some research (you should anyway), we challenge you to find a better way for the average family to accumulate gold. It doesn't exist. What you will find is that a high percentage of the people who do the research will enroll in this program and purchase gold. And those gold purchases generates commissions, very generous commissions. Those commissions can then be converted into gold or issued, via debit card, in the currency of your choice. This is your "golden" invitation join us and claim some of those generous commissions for yourself!
OK - on to the good stuff - first, we will provide a couple of videos that explain why it is so important that families protect themselves with gold. (Please be ready to control the volume and also don't hesitate to pause the video to read the important text as the video moves along at a pretty quick pace).
We then provide access to an excellent KB Vision resource website labeled "Global Currency Exchange System Information and Business Development" This site will answer most any question you may have. Its pretty much all there. Take the time to look at the information under each tab, the tabs are an excellent resource and you will want to refer to them often in the future. Especially worth your while is a presentation from one of the leaders of our group, former professional football standout Joe Norman. You can find his video by going to the "Global Currency Exchange System Information and Business Development" window below, then mouse over the MORE tab on the top right of the page, click on the "Recorded Webinars" from the drop down menu and you'll see his presentation 2nd video from the bottom.
Following that is a good graphic of the "Pay it Forward" compensation program.
And finally, last but certainly not least, we provide a short enrollment form that, once completed and submitted, launches your new business with KB Vision.
So - Lets get started! Go to:
Monday, August 1, 2011
Advantages of the KB Plan
The Gold Purchase Plan is designed to progressively build your savings of gold through monthly purchases which may either be midterm or long term plans. The Purchase Plan fits any budget and will generate a cost average affect as the system automatically makes monthly purchases on your behalf. This plan has been designed to be easy to use, simple to understand and fully automated for your ease. A Purchase Plan is only effective if your money is converted each month into gold. For this reason, KB Vision has also introduced the smallest units of the best value and highest quality of bullions.
The Purchase Plan offers you an easy and simple way to commence with your gold savings.
Contributions paid into the purchase plan is immediately converted to physical gold.
Each purchase plan can be stored or you can choose to take immediate delivery of your purchase if you reside in an officially launched country. You also have full access to monitor your purchases through our online Customer Access Point
Our goal is to offer security and complete flexibility to all our customers through their respective purchase plans. Our advantages at a glance:
The Purchase Plan offers you an easy and simple way to commence with your gold savings.
Contributions paid into the purchase plan is immediately converted to physical gold.
Each purchase plan can be stored or you can choose to take immediate delivery of your purchase if you reside in an officially launched country. You also have full access to monitor your purchases through our online Customer Access Point
Our goal is to offer security and complete flexibility to all our customers through their respective purchase plans. Our advantages at a glance:
- Lifelong free exchange of your gold bars, should the gold certificate get damaged
- Regular updates of special editions keeping you informed of the latest developments.
- A gold purity of 999.9 quality which is the finest and highest quality of gold available worldwide.
- Our partners mining rights to an independent mining facility will ensure that supply shortages should never occur.
- Storage of your assets, for as long as you need it with peace of mind that your gold is stored in a highly secured installation.
- In the event of loss (e.g. through theft) KB Vision is exclusively liable. This is a unique feature as such a warranty can only be issued by a company that produces its own gold.
- Knowing that your gold bars can be converted into money at any time through KB Visions unique price guarantee, payable in the currency of your choice.
- Tangible possession of your assets.
- A free to use online inventory of all your precious assets, available to regular buyers.
- Market-based acquisition prices
- Delivery of only the highest quality products
- Unlimited access to your assets giving you complete flexibility to do as you wish.
- Easy to use online Customer Access Point.

Paper For Gold
A new company has just arrived on the scene, KB Group. The company specializes in selling gold under some rather unusual methods. Its products are designed so that everyone can get involved in gold at very little cost. The first big difference between KB and other gold suppliers is that they own the mine, the refinery and the distribution. This means that there is no middle man to contend with.
The second great difference is the amount of gold being offered. KB offers 1 gram bars. Most bars are one ounce or at least a half an ounce. But with today's gold prices its easy to see why Kb opted for the smaller 1 gram. More interestingly is that every gram has a certificate of authenticity attached to the bar so that its credentials can accompany the bar when it is being sold. In other words this paper has the vale of gold locked on it.
Money is a necessity in our everyday life. He who has little money, wants more and he who has more, wants to secure and protect it but how do we achieve this? The secret to wealth has always been to acquire gold and precious metals to protect assets and wealth. Gold, in bullion form, has been around for 2600 years. Gold has always been used as a means of payment and a standard of wealth in over 194 countries.
Currency gold bullions in its smallest denomination is the perfect form of protection from volatile economic times and provides an edge against daily expenditures while preserving your ability to purchase much needed items. This is especially true when government currencies are devalued or lose their value completely. Owning gold bullion is the best insurance available when the unexpected occurs. Currency gold bullions are inflation proof and have always retained their economic value. Insurance companies and governments may go bankrupt, but gold will continue preserving your assets now, and beyond to future generations. Currency in gold bullions is the best form of financial security when all else is lost. Gold bullions as a substitute metal currency will always retain its value.
Gold bullions in small ingots are exchangeable for daily goods and services, while larger denomination bullions are not easily divisible. In addition, the quality of the gold bullions is second to none. KB Vision provides recognizable certification for each bullion which is readily accepted around the globe. Each bullion is embossed within a signet and takes the shape of a credit card size. A hologram is attached on the reverse side of each bar as an added feature to ensure the security and authenticity of gold content of each bullion which is 999.9 pure 24 carat gold.
For more information go to: http://swissgoldbythegram.com/ Be sure to put our username, "greenshield" in the top of the application so that we get credit for any sales or distributors.
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