After watching the Ron Paul campaign these past few months it became abundantly clear that voter fraud is alive and well in Iowa. All the major polls showed Mr. Paul as being light years ahead of his nearest opponents. In every public debate, news interview, public meeting, and speech Mr. Paul dominated public opinion by at least 50%.
The truth is that this election is not about Ron Paul. It is about whether the American people want to be a free people or not. The American people have become a voiceless mob of cry babies as exemplified in the film "Idiocracy". They have no way to get their message out if not for the sole voice of Mr. Paul. The people refuse to shut off their TV's and show their dissatisfaction with the numerous lies it broadcasts. Instead they would prefer to sit drinking pop and show their support for being lied to while laughing at sitcoms, football games and pretty news babes. The real joke is that the people are participating in their own demise.
It is not over yet. Next comes the New Hampshire Primary. Once again Ron Paul is expected to win. And again the opposition will be sure to bring their cheat notes with them. Obviously, this may be the last chance for the American people to voice their objection to being enslaved, imprisoned and soft killed by the autocrats that think they should run the show because they have more fake money.
Voter irregularity seems to be the norm in this once great Nation. It seems to be more like a Banana Republic than the leader of the free world it once was. It may be hard to believe but more than a few terrorist where doing the happy dance when the World Trade Center was destroyed. It seems that many of our supposed allies were incredibly jealous of American advancements and wanted to see us on our knees begging. Well we are on our knees. And rather than stand up and fight for our place Among the best countries of the world there seems to be a majority of politicians, leaders and sheeple that think it best to grovel.
It is clear that the American political structure has been infiltrated by people who are more beholding to an external force at every level than to the people they serve. What these so called elitist and sheeple have in common is there willingness to sell their own country down the river so cheaply. It seems that the hookers have taken over Washington and they will do anything for a fake federal buck.
Our response to the on going battle of political ideologies i.e. Autocratic rule versus Individual Liberty is to avoid investing in cash or paper currency and hold your wealth in precious metals such as gold and silver. Soon it will become clear that the American people have been swindled and thus enslaved. One of the keys to a good trap is that the captured animal or person does not know he has been trapped until it is too late.
For the establishment this battle is the culmination of over 100 years of work to tear down this country brick by brick. They believe that the best kind of world is one in which there is no nationality and that they can dominate. And yet if this was so obviously superior why does it become necessary to cram their vision down the throats of the people? Shouldn't it be obvious to the sheepel that the bosses know what is best? Answer: the sheeple are too dumb to see the wisdom of these advanced ideas ideas. But isn't this classical circular thinking where the reason for something is the cause for something? That is a fools argument and the sign of a weak argument. Like the best way to assure fairness is to count the votes in private. Or the best way to secure Americans is to imprison them. Or the best way to prevent cancer is to give the patient drugs that cause cancer. Do you see the circular logic here?
From our observations around the world, America had been the only hope for individual freedoms in the world. That hope seems to be fading as the election of Ron Paul the popular candidate of the people begins to dim in the shadow of fraud, lawlessness and greed. Paganism seems to be the practice of these godless representatives of evil. When they can not win legitimately...they cheat.
Still those of us who do believe in God know that in the end Evil will always give way to God's law even if it seems that there is no way. God has never let us down. He won't now.
The fact is that as a result of a huge awakening by people around the world we know that our prayers can not go unanswered and that those who rely on evil to promote their ideas are on the losing end of the battle. Once the moral high ground has been lost it is only a matter of time before evil will be eliminated.
Sun Tsu
In the meantime, we have an obligation to protect ourselves by not participating with this evil. Convert your paper currency to hard precious metals which really throw a wrench into their plans. Buy your gold
here and say no to evil and yes to individual freedom. The right to choose comes from God not from man.