Friday, January 27, 2012


URGENT!!! War is imminent! You must prepare now!

We are three months away from World War III. Are you ready to buy gold yet? How bad does it have to get before you set some gold aside for a rainy day? According to news reports Iran has threatened to close the Straight of Hormuz. The U.S. and its ally, Europe, have made an embargo against Iran. An embargo is an act of war. Are you ready? At this moment U.S. and European forces are positioning themselves in case of action with Iran.

Indications are that this hostility will take place. There will be a price to pay by the public. War is an ugly thing. We do not want war. But it is inevitable if you understand the dynamics involved. Our advice to any God loving family is be prepared. Now!

India has said that they will buy Iranian oil with gold. Can you imagine what that will do to oil and gold prices? In addition, if India and China buy Iranian oil, technically, the U.S. / Europe sanctions will be extended to them. That means that they may be forced to retaliate. We could be facing worldwide calamity. There is no such thing as painless war.

Are you still staring at sitcoms and watching talking heads who spew disinformation? Your gas prices will be doubled by July, food costs will double, crime will go through the roof. Unemployment will get a lot worse. Homelessness will be at an all time high. Are you ready? Do you have your gold yet? Do you know where to buy your gold?

We sell affordable gold that any body can buy. You can take physical delivery or store it in our vault in Switzerland. What else can I do to help you get financially ready?

The preferred price for gold today from us is 57.15 Euros per gram. Go here to open your free gold account: Click Here

My email is here. Write me if I can help you in any way. You are not alone. God bless

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Stand Up!

It won't be long now.  In the coming tumult there will be food shortages, economic collapse, massive increase in fuel costs, increase electricity costs,  failing health care, failing housing, out of control crime and unprofessional police actions.  This is hell on earth for most Americans.   In addition, war will be inevitable.

Why?  Would you believe that this implosion has been planned from the very start?  Can you believe that the American population was deliberately targeted.  But there are ways of protecting yourself. is a distributor of gold and silver.  The day will come when we will no longer be able to assist you and your families with precious metals.  We will be out of business and on our way to our protective shelter.

We have tried to avoid any involvement with politics.  But we do endorse Ron Paul.  As far as we can tell he is our only hope for the future of the country.  The way that the media have tried their best to ignore him only tells you that if they are against him it must be a good thing for the people.

We know Mr. Paul is not sexy.  We know he is old news.  We know he has conservative Christian values.  We know that he is not bought and paid for by big corporations like others who shall go nameless.  But if you do not stand up and voice the people's choice you will be a ragged people living as impoverished slaves.  You must not allow the TV to influence your good sense.

Its sort of like trying to get my son to do his homework.  He is so turned off by school that he can not stomach the reality and instead would prefer to play video games.  Is that you?

For once in your life do something to save the only life raft you have.  Stand up.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Click To Earn Cash

Americans often work 2 or 3 jobs just to make ends meet. We wish to bring to your attention two companies that are helping stay at home Moms, unemployed, the elderly and those suffering from chronic illnesses to earn a legitimate income. You will not become rich from this. But you can make a few extra bucks from home. Use the extra income to buy food or buy gold.

Here is the link where you can earn extra income clicking. It is legitimate.  Click Here.

Here is another legitimate click to make money site that is also legitimate.  Click Here

Write us for more information about gold.  Click Here

Go here to register for a free account.  Click Here

Friday, January 20, 2012

Ron Paul - "Knowledge Makes A Man Unfit To Be A Slave" - Ron Paul

Despite Ron Paul's consistent performance at the top of the Republican leader board for nominee of the Party, the corporately owned news media continue to ignore the people's choice. Ron Paul seems to obtain more attention by the fact that his name is intentionally omitted by the various news media despite Mr. Paul's obvious lead in all the major polls.

Recent polls indicate that Ron Paul is popular among military personnel, old people, young people, black people (even though there have been unsuccessful attempts to label him as a racist) women, families and the 99 percenters who want smaller government, free enterprise, jobs and freedom. Rather than the charms of Mr. Paul's good looks, it seems that the American people are in love with his no nonsense approach to government, allegiance to The Constitution, opposition to war as a solution to the World's problems, reduction in taxation, end to the Fed, less U.N. involvement in American affairs and family values.

The media have continued to switch their emphasis from one candidate to another in their search for a Party leader other than Congressman Paul.  Their first choice was Rick Perry until issues were revealed of his support for Democratic Vice President Al Gore as well as various indiscretions.  Herman Cain was the go to guy until allegations were made of him as a womanizer and he had to drop out.  Wealthy Mitt Romney was at first claimed to be the winner of the Iowa Caucus until certain irregularities in voting were discovered resulting in Santoro being advanced ahead of Ron Paul.  Mr. Romney was outed as a 1 pecenter, having hundreds of millions dollars of wealth in offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands.   Santoro was implicated in the recent scandals that rocked State College in Pennsylvania.

Out of the purple haze of deception and dirty tricks emerged Newt Gingrich.  Mr. Gingrich was considered the winner of the South Carolina Primary despite his well known and distasteful divorcing of his first wife while she was on her deathbed and his second wife while she was battling cancer claiming that she was too old and too bad looking for him to win the Presidency.  According to the compromised media Ron Paul was a no show in South Carolina.  His name was not mentioned by the major news outlets.

These reasons make Ron Paul popular with the people. Not only is Paul a physician, an Air Force Fight Surgeon but his consistency in congress is second to none for at least the past 30+ years. Truly the fat cats on the hill fear this very healthy home run hitting genius. In every debate that Ron Paul participated in he by far and away out performed the other candidates with honesty and simple solutions and logical well stated policies.

There is evidence that the primaries so far have been fraudulent and back room deals had been made. Needlesstosay, Mr. Paul was not consulted with those arrangements that gave the other candidates standing in the eyes of the Party.

This obvious attempt to circumvent the democratic process which America was founded on only achieves more attention for the Paul camp. Why we can not understand these so called lovers of America who have replaced honesty, loyalty, honor and devotion with deceit, lies, cheating, manipulation, and cronyism similar to the Soviet model.

It does not matter if they steal the election. In the long run they lose and they know it. Just as authoritarian rule has always failed in the past, so will it fail now despite their vested interest in evil. As some one once said, "you can kill millions of people but you can not kill an idea whose time has come". Freedom is timeless. God Bless America!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Eitther You Are At The Table Or You Are The Meal

In response to the current economic situation Goldenladyfun is pleased to announce the launch of Wayseer Cooperative.  Wayseer is a three prong cooperative that gives benefits to its members.  Among the benefits are:
  1. Homestead - Wayseer members are provided with a homestead consisting of a newly constructed residences with no credit check financing
  2. Member Owned Land that can be organically farmed
  3. Employment as a builder, farmhand, office work, maintenance and cleaning
  4. Organic Food at farm prices
  5. Economic Support in the form of gold
  6. Support

Thesis, Antithesis...Consensus

 Need we say more.  Buy your gold here and stop these Commies before its too late.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Blue On Black

1% of the 1% - To paraphrase the words of the animated picture "Ants", why do we have to all be thinking and doing the same thing at the same time? We have decided to break from the pack and set off in our own direction. We have made a super elite group that is so hush hush that we can not even give you the name of it. One of our beliefs is that there really is no economic collapse. There is an effort by some to take over this world while hiding behind man made shortages, crisis and war. We believe that the much touted terrorism, epidemics, food and water shortages are deliberately made so that they can act as cover to theft.

Meanwhile, there are a minority of people who are becoming filthy rich from the fear they create of impending doom. So, while others watch tv and listen to every word of the nonsense we are constructing an alternative organization that does not go along with it. Instead, we continue with our plans regardless. If you like our message. Let us know and maybe you can be a member too.

Three of our projects are already in operation:

1. Stop Homelessness and Joblessness (here)

2. Convert Paper Assets To Gold And Silver (here)

3. Advanced Estate Survival (here)

Monday, January 9, 2012

...Sit At The Table

"Either you sit at the table or you are the meal". Upon review of the sterling work of Charlotte Iserbyt about the use of the educational system to train the population to be servants of the New World Order it becomes clear that most of our choices were made for us and that logical options such as whether to own gold and silver, have been made for us. We have been trained or conditioned to choose paper currency instead of a true and historic medium of exchange.

Such operant conditioning is ever so present in the form of TV, films, school and news. Most persons have been so conditioned that they do not even know that these coercive forces exist.

For our purposes, we want to assist thousands of persons achieve real choices in life and control of their own consequences. To do this a person must break the conditioning and act independent of their controllers. This is done by owning gold and exchanging worthless paper currency into meaningful, valuable gold or silver. It is a well know fact that he who owns the gold makes the rules.

We assist you with that process at three dedicated locations:

1. Avoid Homelessness Here for those who are in need of a home and employment

2. Buy gold here for those who want to exchange paper assets for real money

3. Estate and Corporate Finance Here for those who would rather sit at the table instead of being the meal

Friday, January 6, 2012

Economic Collapse Is Another Word For Theft

From where I sit here in Spain I have a front row seat of the charade called Socialism and economic collapse. I have been living here in Europe, first Denmark now Spain, since 2000. I can tell you one overwhelming fact, these so called bankers are crooks.

What do you call it when a banker robs his own bank and then inflates the amount of money stolen by the supposed theft? Now they whine about how the "crisis" will hurt everyone. Oh please. Spare me! These people are a joke. They are simply crooks and nothing more. I know because I am a banker myself. Back in New York where I grew up the streets were full of petty thieves and scam artists.

To cover their crimes they will flood the media with stories of collapse and war. While you focus on that deception they are buying all the gold and silver on this planet and leaving you holding worthless paper promises.

If you want to learn how to protect yourself economically and profit from all this economic doom and gloom contact me and let me tell you what I have learned from living half my life abroad, working in the financial sector and how I am helping my clients to profit from the so called Economic Downturn.

Otherwise, have a good snooze.  Protect Your Assets and Learn To Profit From Economic Collapse

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ron Paul Wins Crooked Iowa Caucus

After watching the Ron Paul campaign these past few months it became abundantly clear that voter fraud is alive and well in Iowa.  All the major polls showed Mr. Paul as being light years ahead of his nearest opponents.  In every public debate, news interview, public meeting, and speech Mr. Paul dominated public opinion by at least 50%.

The truth is that this election is not about Ron Paul.  It is about whether the American people want to be a free people or not.  The American people have become a voiceless mob of cry babies  as exemplified in the film "Idiocracy".  They have no way to get their message out if not for the sole voice of Mr. Paul.  The people refuse to shut off their TV's and show their dissatisfaction with the numerous lies it broadcasts.  Instead they would prefer to sit drinking pop and show their support for being lied to while laughing at sitcoms, football games and pretty news babes.  The real joke is that the people are participating in their own demise.

It is not over yet.  Next comes the New Hampshire Primary.  Once again Ron Paul is expected to win. And again the opposition will be sure to bring their cheat notes with them.  Obviously, this may be the last chance for the American people to voice their objection to being enslaved, imprisoned and soft killed by the autocrats that think they should run the show because they have more fake money.

Voter irregularity seems to be the norm in this once great Nation.  It seems to be more like a Banana Republic than the leader of the free world it once was.  It may be hard to believe but more than a few terrorist where doing the happy dance when the World Trade Center was destroyed.  It seems that many of our supposed allies were incredibly jealous of American advancements and wanted to see us on our knees begging.  Well we are on our knees.  And rather than stand up and fight for our place Among the best countries of the world there seems to be a majority of politicians, leaders and sheeple that think it best to grovel.

It is clear that the American political structure has been infiltrated by people who are more beholding to an external force at every level than to the people they serve.  What these so called elitist and sheeple have in common is there willingness to sell their own country down the river so cheaply.  It seems that the hookers have taken over Washington and they will do anything for a fake federal buck.

Our response to the on going battle of political ideologies i.e. Autocratic rule versus Individual Liberty is to avoid investing in cash or paper currency and hold your wealth in precious metals such as gold and silver.  Soon it will become clear that the American people have been swindled and thus enslaved.  One of the keys to a good trap is that the captured animal or person does not know he has been trapped until it is too late.

For the establishment this battle is the culmination of over 100 years of work to tear down this country brick by brick.  They believe that the best kind of world is one in which there is no nationality and that they can dominate.  And yet if this was so obviously superior why does it become necessary to cram their vision down the throats of the people?  Shouldn't it be obvious to the sheepel that the bosses know what is best? Answer: the sheeple are too dumb to see the wisdom of these advanced  ideas ideas.  But isn't this classical circular thinking where the reason for something is the cause for something? That is a fools argument and the sign of a weak argument.  Like the best way to assure fairness is to count the votes in private.  Or the best way to secure Americans is to imprison them.  Or the best way to prevent cancer is to give the patient drugs that cause cancer.  Do you see the circular logic here?

From our observations around the world, America had been the only hope for individual freedoms in the world.  That hope seems to be fading as the election of Ron Paul the popular candidate of the people begins to dim in the shadow of fraud, lawlessness and greed.  Paganism seems to be the practice of these godless representatives of evil.  When they can not win legitimately...they cheat.

Still those of us who do believe in God know that in the end Evil will always give way to God's law even if it seems that there is no way.  God has never let us down.  He won't now.

The fact is that as a result of a huge awakening by people around the world we know that our prayers can not go unanswered and that those who rely on evil to promote their ideas are on the losing end of the battle.  Once the moral high ground has been lost it is only a matter of time before evil will be eliminated.  Sun Tsu

In the meantime, we have an obligation to protect ourselves by not participating with this evil.  Convert your paper currency to hard precious metals which really throw a wrench into their plans.  Buy your gold here and say no to evil and yes to individual freedom.  The right to choose comes from God not from man.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Megamind - Does Your Life Mimic A Cartoon

Do you feel that you are part of a cartoon where the evil and the good battle with one another while you become poorer and poorer?  If so, you need to watch this trailer and see whether or not this is what is happening to you.  If you want to stop the craziness buy gold or silver now before they devalue your currency and your cash becomes worth 40% less than what it is today.  Open a free savings account here: Metroman Save Me