"Either you sit at the table or you are the meal". Upon review of the sterling work of Charlotte Iserbyt about the use of the educational system to train the population to be servants of the New World Order it becomes clear that most of our choices were made for us and that logical options such as whether to own gold and silver, have been made for us. We have been trained or conditioned to choose paper currency instead of a true and historic medium of exchange.
Such operant conditioning is ever so present in the form of TV, films, school and news. Most persons have been so conditioned that they do not even know that these coercive forces exist.
For our purposes, we want to assist thousands of persons achieve real choices in life and control of their own consequences. To do this a person must break the conditioning and act independent of their controllers. This is done by owning gold and exchanging worthless paper currency into meaningful, valuable gold or silver. It is a well know fact that he who owns the gold makes the rules.
We assist you with that process at three dedicated locations:
1. Avoid Homelessness Here for those who are in need of a home and employment
2. Buy gold here for those who want to exchange paper assets for real money
3. Estate and Corporate Finance Here for those who would rather sit at the table instead of being the meal
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