Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Gold and Silver - The Great Equalizer

Gold and Silver The Great Equalizer

Gold and silver are the great equalizers. Many minorities all over the world own gold and silver as a hedge against inflation and economic collapse. They may be slow but they are not stupid. They know how the establishment had kept them poor for years giving them worthless pieces of paper. Now they are “stacking” gold and silver. In the near future there will be a great redistribution of wealth. Only those who know the truth will come out on top while those who believed the lies on TV will be left with nothing.

For some of you gold and silver are still a mystery especially with the media, TV and films promoting the myth that paper notes are money. Paper is not money and can never be money. Plastic is not money either. Here is a little video that explains what paper currency is and why you may think cash is king when in actuality it is only a receipt for debt..

But in truth only about 1 in 10,000 Americans really understands that gold and silver are actual money and paper is a scam. The Chinese government actually recommends that its people put a percentage of their wealth in gold as a hedge. The Swiss government is considering going to a gold backed currency rather than pure paper. If you are serious about preparing for the coming collapse then I advise you to get out of paper and into gold and silver. We have designed a program that will allow middle class people to begin saving gold at a reasonable price. Go here to learn more: or . We will even give you a job as a distributor so you can help others and earn a commission.

Many of you have asked me how do you pay for a loaf of bread with gold? With the small denominations of gold that we sell you can easily exchange it for goods and services. We sell 1 gram bars of gold instead of the larger denominated ounces or coins. Plus our bars come with a certificate of authentication in case there is any doubt of its quality, amount or origins.

Some ask me if gold and silver are a bubble? Our view of gold has been very much controlled by the media who are owned by the “bankers”. Gold and silver have no actual value. They are only lumps of metal. But they are extremely rare and impossible to make unlike paper notes or currency. The value of gold and silver is inverse to the value of paper currency. In other words as the currency loses value gold and silver gain value. The issuers of currency can lie as much as they like. But the value sooner or later must be reconciled with gold and silver.

Since we went off the gold standard in the '70s that reconciliation has become more and more past due. Now we have this huge adjustment to face. The estimated amount that would reconcile gold to currency is about $15,000 to $20,000 per ounce. This does not consider speculation and thw growing number of informed persons worldwide who want to hold gold. Plus, many countries would rather not go through the pain of being bankrupt due to inflation. That is why gold is being acquired by most countries such as Russia, China, Japan, Venezuela, etc.

Today's price of gold is at about $1650 per ounce. Do you see the opportunity?

Yeah! But how do you put food on the table let alone buy gold? Good question. First you have to understand what your priorities are. My family has switched to a vegetarian diet. That is much cheaper, healthier and easier to manage. Stay away from fruits, juices, potatoes, pastas, rice, cereals, breads and other high calorie, carbohydrate rich, glycogenic foods that contain sugars. Never eat anything that is manufactured and comes in a box or can. Do not drink pop or diet pop. Do not eat aspartame or any artificial sweetener. You also have to supplement your diet with whey protein, vitamins and minerals such as D, E, A, K, C, magnesium, zinc, potassium, essential fatty acids, probiotics, spirulina and stay away from table salt. I give no medical advice so please don't ask me.

With the money you save you can buy a little gold and silver each month. Today we are selling a 1 gram bar of gold for 56.90 Euros per gram. When you buy gold or silver you feel great. Now you know you are beating those greedy buggers at their own game. If you still can't make ends meet, we will give you a job as a gold distributor. The first step is to sign up: .

Don't wait. Gold and silver are expected to go through the roof in price and then you really will not be able to afford it. Already gold and silver dealers are out of inventory and having trouble filling orders. There are rumors that the powers that be will outlaw private ownership of gold and silver as they have done before in an attempt to force you to use their paper notes. Imagine what that will do to the price if that happens. (If that happens you are welcome to store your gold in our vault in Switzerland for free). I don't think the corporate bankers, of which I am one, will give up their ability to print script and charge you interest on it without a fight.

Wise up. Start your gold savings plan today.

Good luck and God Bless. or

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