Monday, October 17, 2011

"Kiss My Ass"

By now it is clear that the greatest gold rush in history is underway.  The nightly news will not mention it until  their shareholders have sufficiently positioned themselves so as to take all the profits.

Don't you think it is interesting how the Nazis wanted gold so badly they took it from the teeth of their Jewish victims?  Now we are supposed to be so stupid as to buy microwave cell phones, high def digital TVs and silly manufactured foods instead of gold?    Who do they thhink we are, a bunch of dumb downed cows?  Synthetic terrorism, synthetic food, synthetic furniture now synthetic money?  No thank you!  They can kiss my synthetic ass.  You heard me right.

I want the real stuff.   God's own creation.  Tell those lazy nabobs that they can keep the plastic, synthetic garbage for themselves.  I'll take my money in gold.  The fact is that gold is not a commodity to be speculated on like the price of a McDonald's hamburger and fries.  It is a matter of good common sense, well thought out economic policy and our only protection from artificial crap that these dodos spew out of their mouths daily.  I don't want their fake garbage.  If you do, that's fine.  As my cousin Charlie  used to say, "that just leaves more for me".

If you do the math its easy to see that the actual price of gold should be over $10,000 per ounce.  At $1660 per ounce its a bargain.  Why eat McDonald's when you could be eating Filet Mignon.  But these greedy bastards want it all for themselves.  They are not the "New World Order".  They are the new dumb asses who think we are dumber than they are.  But they are wrong.

I don't have to march in the streets like they want me to do in Occupy this or that.  For some of you that is about as ignorant as you can be.  If you really want to do some damage, buy gold and silver and turn off that damn TV and get rid of that microwave oven you use as a telephone.  If you have not done these basic things you are a joke and not really serious.

Here you are in the middle of the greatest gold rush in history and the best you can do is debate whether global warming is real or not.  Give me a bleeding break.  You people make me sick.  Stop your whining and complaining about how much some people have and make some real money for yourself.  You sit in the middle of a vast lake and can't find a drop of water to drink.

When you are ready to get real go here and buy some gold and tell these New World Order Thugs to kiss your ASS:        Open a free account here:
Call for more info: 877-369-6496

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