Thursday, October 13, 2011

What If?

What if – What if war were to arise between the U.S. / Israel and Iran? What does that mean from the survival point of view? How would another war affect the prices and availability? Or worse yet what if Asteroid 2011 SGS68 were to strike the Earth?  That might mean the end of mankind on this planet.  While I am sure a few eugenicist might celebrate it would not be a pretty sight for the rest of us.
We have been cautioned by Alex Jones and others that World War 3 has been “green-lighted” and can happen at any time. Without getting into the potential war itself lets focus on how such a war would affect us at home. We really cannot claim to know everything to expect. But if you have been waiting for a sign to go to “Defcon 4” now might be a good time.

Theoretically such a war could start within the next two weeks and would last for at least 6 months just to build it up. If that war turned into a ground war it would have to last for many years into the future. But for the purposes of this exercise lets just pretend that you had to survive for 6 months.

Here is a list of issues which could have a direct impact on your life and the anticipated increase in price or availability if war with Iran should become a reality:

  • Oil / Fuel Prices X 2
  • Gold Prices X 5
  • Silver Prices X 8
  • Food Prices X 4
  • Supplements X 2
  • Medical Supplies X 10
  • Electricity and Water Availability X None
  • Security / Safety X 4
  • Bank Accounts X = Bank Holiday and No Withdrawals
  • Retirement X = Confiscation Of Funds

Our expertise is in the area of finance. We have over 30+ years in the financial business internationally. We can literally say that “we have been there done that”. Money is what we know.

By now almost everyone knows that the economy will collapse. But the real question is what can you do about it. Here is our suggestion:

  1. Obtain passports for you and your family
  2. Liquidate all of your assets including your retirement
  3. Become physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy
  4. Have necessary supplements and medicines in storage
  5. Relocate to a safe location
  6. Store food and seeds
  7. Buy and store cheap affordable gold bars in 1 gram denominations which we sell
  8. Store your gold in our vault in Switzerland for free
  9. Get a second passport if you can afford it
  10. Become a distributor of gold in our company so you can help others
We will be happy to assist you and your family with details of implementing this exit strategy.  We call it the
Ultimate Survival Guide. It includes how to buy, store and build a gold savings account.  Give us a call or email to discuss your particular situation.  There is no charge.

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