Friday, December 30, 2011

2012 Predictions - Get Ready

Goldenladyfun Predictions for 2012 -

The social engineer's intention is to eliminate 90% of the population. But because they are mentally ill their so called thinning of the herd will turn into a bloodbath as part of a pagan ritual. The expected reaction of the population is that they will follow each other into a killing zone to be slaughtered. Don't do what everyone else does.

At the moment less than 1% of Americans own gold and silver. In 2012 that number will grow to 5%. Already there is a severe shortage of gold and silver.

What we have done at goldenladyfun is designed a few simple solutions to give the people real money not paper currency and to provide homes in the country so that homelessness can be avoided and you can grow your own food.

We do not do this for the profit. This is our way of contributing and we ask for nothing in return. Our place is already assured in heaven with our Maker.

But you do have to work and pay for what you get. There is no such thing as "free". If you are willing to work it will be our pleasure to assist you too.

1. There will be endless war. This was stated by the CIA in the 90's and PNAC subsequently. However, I believe that within 20 years all of this nonsense will be done with and the remaining population will go back to their lives as usual.

2. Economic Collapse - This is a foregone conclusion. It is already underway whether or not it has been officially announced on the evening news. (Only a fool depends on the news for his information. There will be no announcement that the economy is officially collapsed. The public will be the last to know.) If you do not own gold or silver and have a survival plan you are finished. There will be no hoping for the best. There is only preparing for the worst.

3. Nuclear, Biological and Chemical attack - You are already under attack. Your food, water and bodies have been attacked. To make matters worse electromagnetic and psychological attacks are underway and have been since the 30"s.

4. Election - My prediction is that Obama will be reelected because of his proven track record. His backers will do anything including fraud to assure his victory. Ron Paul will put up a good fight. But he is totally unwilling to cheat. And this is a cheater's game.

5. Cancer rates will double, psychological / mental illness will increase, suicides will increase.

6. There will be food riots with blood in the streets. The U.N. will be called into America to quell violence. Guns will be outlawed and mass killings will take place. This was always the plan and they have been setting it up since the 40's.

7. I expect war to come to Iran, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Somalia, Georgia, Mexico, Venezuela Cuba, East Africa, North Africa and Central Africa.

8. Vaccines will be mandatory or no government assistance will be given including the right to buy food.

9. We will go to a cashless society for obvious reasons.

10. America will be divided into 10 administrative parts requiring permits to move from one place to another.

11. Electronic id cards will be implanted sub-dermally for easy identification, to make purchases and termination.

12. Airlines will be nationalized because of the lack of profitability.

13. All major roads will be toll roads with fuel costing upwards of $6 per gallon. I would expect fuel to rise to $30per gallon eventually.

14. Private possession of gold and silver will be outlawed in the U.S.. But a thriving black market will be allowed to exist as a means of herding groups together.

15. Work communes will be created with children being sent to indoctrination camps.

16. The elderly, sickly and trouble makers will be eliminated.

17. Christianity will be outlawed.

18. Medical care will be either withheld or provided only to the permitted classes

19. There will be plenty of false hope and false messiahs. You will have to be able to decern whats real and what is not.

20. Consumption of human bi-products and waste will be the norm (I know its sick, but they are already doing this to you).

I can not say all of this will come to pass in 2012. But most of these programs will either be continued or started in 2012.

I do not believe our destiny is fixed. We can change this. But you have to stop acting so predictably. Do not watch TV and movies. Talk to your family and friends. Share thoughts. Pick your moves carefully.

There are thousands of ways to reverse this not to mention God, the most powerful force in this universe. If you do not believe in God you are lost. If you do believe in God hit your knees and pray. Meditate. Worship. Buy your gold and silver from us.

We have a new program to deal with the growing population who are now and will become HOMELESS!

Learn about our homeless program here: . We are also looking for workers both paid and volunteers.

Buy your affordable gold and silver here:

Let us show you how to buy and store your gold and silver. If you are low on funds we can try to work it out. But don't do nothing. Time is short.

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