Sunday, December 4, 2011

How To Become A Millionaire

How to become a millionaire in 10 easy steps.

1.  You must understand that money is not what you think.  You must not make the mistake of thinking that currency is money.  It is not.  Currency is only a receipt for money.  Over these few years we have beome accustomed to exchanging the receipts instead of real money for goods and services.

The idea of using currency instead of real money was invented by a few people who had the desire to control money.  Later a few evil persons realized that if you could control the issuance and circulation of currency you in fact could control the population's behavior.

Now that we have understood the utter nonsense of the current economic system they want to change it to a system that is more enslaving and offers less freedom.  The conversion to a one world currency is merely a pathway to complete and total subjugation of the population.  This scientific approach is based on creating an account for every human being on the planet at birth.  Then the person will spend the remainder of his life settling his obligation.  At which point his usefulness is over and he will be culled.

In order to carry out this monstrous plan the evil ones had to create a pretense.  There are several pretenses on the drawing board: a) there are too many people on the planet; capitalism does not work; World War 3; Terrorism; Fundamentalism; religion; economic collapse, global warming caused by mankind; alien invasion; biological pandemic; natural disasters and more.  These events are meant to pre-condition the population into accepting a New World Order.

In order to bring these changes about the evil ones need to convince you that their idea to make a global obligation is necessary.  This is done by deliberately bringing an end to the current economic arrangement, bankrupting everyone, preventing economic growth and bringing about global chaos through war, food shortages, energy shortages and health crisis.  Most importantly is the need to convince the public that the suffering is real so that the public will beg for relief via their New World Order.

2. Real Money can never be destroyed or manipulated.  Real money must be in a form that can be measured, is durable, and exchangeable.  It must be in finite supply.  It must have a historical track record.  The two traditional forms of money are gold and silver.   These two metals have been recognized for thousands of years.

3. Exchange your cheap paper currency for real money.  Why is paper currency so cheap?  Paper currency is cheap because the governments of the world have been slowly stealing your wealth by taxing you and through inflation.  It is not that bread has become so expensive but that the paper currency has become so devalued.

4. Gold and silver have no intrinsic value.  There is a time to buy and a time to sell.  By all forms of measurement gold should be at about $15,000 per ounce.  Today,s value of gold is about $1770 per ounce.  What if you could buy something for $1770 that was worth $15,000?  That is today's situation with gold.  Silver is at $33 but it should be $300.  Again it is grossly under valued.

5. You will not own strategic metals forever.  When the time is right you will sell and buy some other undervalued commodity.  During the Weimer Republic in Germany one ounce of gold sold for Billions of Marks.

6. You must remain healthy.  This is accomplished by nutrition and avoiding toxins.

7. Relocate yourself to a safe and secure location.

8. Earn income by educating others.  Turn off the TV and never watch it to avoid mind control.

9. Store your gold in our vault in Switzerland for free.

10. Deal in gold and not paper currency.

Free Gold Savings Account Here

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