Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ron Paul On Track To Win Iowa Caucus


Ron Paul On Track To Win Iowa Caucus

Thursday, December 22, 2011 10:31
By all indications Congressman Ron Paul is on track to win the Iowa Caucus.  Mr Paul has had a sterling 30 year career in Congress.  Through that time Americans seem to have come to the realization that his conservative values stand in opposition to the views embodied by the current administration.  Not only does Mr. Paul have a background as a medical doctor but he distinguished himself as a veteran flight surgeon of the U.S. Air Force.

Other GOP opponents have resolutely opposed Ron Paul.  Issues such as the American involvement in the U.N., pro abortion, hawkish war stance, advocation of American military stance around the world with particular desre to go to war with Iran, mega bailouts for large global banks,  increase in taxes, big government and further erosion of American conservative values have outlined the differences between Mr. Paul and the rest of the pack.
But polls indicate the overwhelmig popularity of Congressman Paul over the other would be nominees.  This obvious break from the pack has resulted in Ron Paul being accused of racism, nationalism, isolationism, and pacificism.  Despite his anti-war views Mr. Paul is exceedingly popular with members of the military.  Polls indicate that Ron Paul is the candidate of choice as far as the military is concerned.  He enjoys a 70% approval rate from men and women in uniform.

Another segment of the population that has supported Mr. Paul has been the youth.  Their understanding that there are major problems with the American foreign policy, domestic policy and economic policy has driven this segment to the Paul camp.  Still the opponents continue to support the position of the current Democratic party administration.

All the while the mainstream media have tried to minimize the Paul success and have all but ignored his popularity. It will be interesting to see whether or not Ron Paul will indeed win the Iowa Caucus and on go to win in New Hampshire. Surely these victories will guarantee his GOP nomination and head to head contest with Barack Obama.

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