Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"The Battle Is Won Before It Is Fought" Sun Tzu

Before 911 happened I had been studying the movements of the NWO for about 10 years. I have lived and worked in Europe since 2000. I now live in Spain. I happen to be an investment banker with an extensive background working with sovereign debt and other financial instruments.

It is no surprise to us that Europe has failed. That was by design. It was not an economic failure. But it was the failure of their Socialistic model and the theft of Billions. The Will of the people was broken when the people accepted Socialism in response to Facism.

If you research the evolution of the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany or any other autocracy you will see that the people's Will was broken long before the first shot was fired.

Two years ago I went to my bank to withdraw a few thousand Euros. They claimed that the money was not there. But I had already seen the transfer on a terminal screen so I knew it had been received. They just did not want to give it to me. From that day on I was suspicious that these banks were going to steal the money.

I opened a new account at Deutsche Bank. They offered to put my account into an investment. Upon reading the type of investment they were offering it was clear that those investments were all losing money. When I said that I wanted to invest in strategic metals I was informed that I could not because my balance was too small. You mean only the rich were allowed to make money and I had to waste my money with the rest of the customers? It was clear that something was wrong.

Now we know what was wrong.

Five years ago I wrote a confidential report for a well known Danish bank and they did not appreciate the report's conclusion that there were problems in the banking area of Europe.

It was obvious to me that there would be a collapse in Europe when I first arrived and researched the markets. That was in 2000.

I am no whizkid. If this is what I could learn in my research certainly people who were better informed than me would have known what was coming, I tried to tell a few people what I had seen but they thought I was a silly American and that it was the "toxic" mortgages behind it.

Now let me caution you from snap judgments and repeating TV doctrine. I say that the economic collapse is calculated and has an ulterior motive. I can not say what that motive is but if it is true then we are not dealing with a bunch of fumbling fools but rather a cabal of thieves and social engineers who think they know what is best for us.

If I am right, no Occupy Movement is going to help. It will only exhaust our resolve. What we need is honest dialog and a properly legal well placed precise response. We do not need mass hysteria based on false information.

I know they have all the guns. But if guns were enough they would not waste time brainwashing you. They can not hurt you without your consent.

May I suggest that you turn off your TV sets and stop allowing the enemy to infiltrate your minds? Write letters to your legislators or anyone in public office to assert our beliefs and setting the boundaries past which no man or organization may go. But if you give them one inch they will take a mile.

Failure to protect yourself adequately both financially and mentally will result in a collapse of the Will as has happened in Europe which will be more devastating than any economic collapse.

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