Friday, November 25, 2011

The Hunt For Red Oktober

Where did the damn money go?  That's what I tell my kids when the school tries to convince them that they are in the beginning of an economic meltdown.  Did the money go to an alien planet?  How is it that one day there was plenty of money and the next there was no money?

Its like water.  You can not use up all the water on the planet.  In fact the water is just recirculated in different forms. Can it evaporate into space?  You can not spend up all the money.  Someone some place has to have it.  It just can not disappear.  But it can be stolen and hidden.

These very clever people will try to convince you that it was spent out of existence.  That's not possible.  Someone someplace has to have it.  If you will notice they will spend incredible sums of money for things that are really of no value.  This is called "wastage".  But in reality the entire pool of money must go somewhere.

Think of a bank robbery where the bank manager claims the thieves stole more than they actually did just so he can put a little in his own pocket.  Now imagine if all the banks did that at the same time and told you hey lost the money in bad investments.  Is this not what these guys are doing?

But it is worse than that.   Not only are jobs and houses lost, but entire countries are being lost.  .In some cases war is the result.  We all lose our freedoms because of someone else' greed.  And this is the perfect time for the globalist to institutes their agenda,

Looking for the money is like hunting for Red Oktober.  The news media throws down a trail of misinformation and disinformation to make sure that you are off track.  Have you ever noticed that all the news on TV is fake?  Yet many people want to feel that they know what is going on?  But consider this, the news media does not work for you.  They work for the advertisers who are the very companies who stole your money.  So why do you keep watching and listening. 

The fact is that what most people call money is not really money.  At best it is currency.  The majority is not even paper.  Instead it sits in a computer memory to be distributed to other accounts.  So really they can not even destroy it.  At the moment the U.S. owes about 15 Trillion Dollars of (fill in the blank).  The problem is that 15 Trillion Dollars (fill in the blank) represents your sweat, labor and equity.  They just keep printing and spending it because to them your sweat, labor and equity are not real.  Let me ask you, is your sweat, labor and equity real?  Then why do you accept pieces of paper or currency for it?  And now they tell you that there is no more currency for your sweat, labor and equity.

My point is that the idea that all the money disappeared is ridiculous and nothing more than theft like a thief telling the judge the money just disappeared.

I believe the entire financial meltdown is a hoax.  There is more than enough currency they just don't want you to know it.  So they starve you, tell you nightly that everything is bankrupt and on that basis your suffering makes it all seem real.

Once you have totally bought into the idea that there has been a financial collapse they will offer you a "solution" which they always had in mind for you.  I believe that solution will be a one world currency.  I believe that you will be assessed with "your fair share" at birth and have to spend the remainder of your life paying your fair share adjusted for regional and ethnic or racial considerations.  No longer will life be a right.  It will be a privilege that must be paid for.  And it will be the job of the government to monitor every aspect of your life to make sure that you don't cheat.

It will be a privilege to drive, to have a family, to have children, to take a vacation, to travel, to eat healthy food, and so on.  And if you don't like it you can opt out.  Of course your minders will be exempt from the rules  because of their contribution to society.

At the moment we are in a transitional stage.  There is chance of throwing a wrench into the works.  You have to:
1. Stop believing in their lies.  Turn off the TV.  Get rid of it.  Don't watch HD TV.
2. Protect your right to eat healthy food and take supplements
3. Buy gold by the gram and save it outside of the U.S.
4. Liquidate all your assets and escape to a safe haven.
5. Don't support Global agendas.
6. Never put a cell phone up to your head.
7. Do not eat manufactured foods.

For more information monitor goldenladyfun daily and tell your family and friends to do the same.

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