Monday, November 28, 2011

How To Survive Starvation, Econmic Collapse And Attack To Your Health

This was taken from a letter that I wrote to my 76 year old mother who lives in a different locale.

Please prepare yourselves for next year,  Reliable sources say that after Christmas all will begin to collapse.  Firstly, you must secure yourselves with healthy food.  I suggest you switch to a mostly vegetarian diet because not only is it cheaper but you have never heard of a vegetarian having cancer or a heart attack . 

I do not have all the answers.  I do not give medical advice.  You need a licensed practioner for that.  Put I can give you some information that may be helpful to someone who is trying to survive.  One thing for sure, you can not trust what they tell you on TV.  So maybe this will help.

I do not recommend fruits other than small berries and grapes because the key to good health is a reduction in sugar.  Fructose is the sugar found in fruit.  If you eat lots of fruit you will be eating lots of sugar.   Fructose is handled by the body in a different way and is more difficult to breakdown.  What you need is more bitter taste rather than a sweet taste.

Smaller fruits like berries are a good source of anti-oxidants.  Try Chaga.  It is the highest known anti-oxidant on the planet.  And it is very cheap.  My family gets its Chaga from Siberia in Russia.

Since switching to a mostly vegetarian diet I am 15 pounds lighter equivalent to what I weighed 15 years ago.  Teeth are clean and white which indicates a healthy condition.  I don't get sick or catch colds.   Toe fungus and misshapen nails have cleared up and turned back to normal.  (Toe fungus is an indication of diabetes or pre-diabetes.)

I do not eat high caloric foods like rice, grits, potatoes, sugar, fruit, no junk food, no restaurant food, nothing artificial or manufactured.  We never use table salt.  Instead we us only Himalayan salt that has 83 minerals.  We use  no bleached flouer (it contains bromide which can take the place of iodide / iodine and this destroys the thyroid).  I do not eat  pasta, no pizza, no grains, cereals or bread.  I do not use syrup, no juices other than pomegranate, cranberry or elderberry juice , no commercial shampoo, no manufactured soap or detergent, no fluoride tooth paste, no refined sugar and no pop or diet pop or low calorie, low salt, artificial sweeteners, decaffeinated drinks.  In fact I use no manufactured food at all.  Food can not be manufactured!

Instead we use homemade natural soap, oil pulling for the teeth, no sun block and no GMO foods.  We get our food from local farmers not the grocery store.  We eat beans, vegetables, bone soup, occasionally high quality meat from a butcher, spelt flour baked goods, pancakes, cookies, fresh farm eggs, homemade yogurt, sour dough bread, Himalayan salt sole, beets, pumpkin soup, wild black berries and grapes, homemade jam, honey and sweat potatoes.  In addition to oil pulling we are now starting to using twigs from trees to clean our teeth. We drinkspirulina blue green algae daily.  We use olive oil instead of vegetable.  Coconut oil is also great.

The best source of protein is in powder form, whey protein.  You need this to rebuild cells.

We have to get chaga and potassium as well as magnesium, zinc, chromium, vanadium, L.arginine, copper, vitamin d, e - all 8 types, a, k, bile, probiotics (we get this from the homemade yogurt), digestive enzymes, essential fatty acids, Co Q 10, therapeutic doses of vitamin  c and b complex . Omega 3 and Omega 6, powdered protein from whey. NAC for the liver.  Alpha lipoic acid.  Phosphotidyl Choline and Serene for the brain.   These items should be taken in liquid form throughout the day.  If a person has trouble absorbing fat soluble nutrients then they will have no way to get the nutrition they need and the body will breakdown unless they take digestive enzymes.

Many of these substances can be found in the product called "Beyond Tangy Tangerine" and "Sweet Eze" from Youngevity (

It turns out that most of the illnesses we are faced with are caused by: 1) digestive problems; 2) blood sugar problems; or 3) the adrenal system  (thyroid, lymphatic system).   Most of the time the problem is in the digestive track.  Until the foods that cause problems like gas, diarrhea, constipation, burping, cramping or any other symptom can be eliminated there can be no progress in health.  What most people call illness is really a symptom of nutritional deficiency.  Heart disease, cancer, skin problems, mental illness, Alzheimer, Autism, kidney disease, diabetes, and so on are some of the symptoms of an underlying problem.   We have to be like detectives to find out what that underlying problem is.  More of this information can be found by listening to Pharmacist Ben Fuchs at .

Water - You need living water, not distilled water.  There are no nutrients in distilled water.  But fluoridated water is a real problem.  Fluoride was invented by the Soviets to make the prisoners more docile.  The Nazi's used it to dumb down the population.   You must not drink, bathe or cook with fluoridated water.   However, if you can not move to a place that does not use fluoridation in their water  then a regular filter will do.  The element in the filter must be kept up to date or you could poison yourself.  By staying dosed up with iodine your thyroid is less likely to absorb fluoride. Big Berkey is one of the best filters available.
I recommend also "the Power Hour" internet show with Joyce Riley at for a good source of products and information.

It has been reported that chemicals, drugs, hormones and nuclear waste has been found in municipal water.   These elements are deliberately put into the water such as lithium and other psychotropic drugs.  Some politicians advocate putting statin and  other drugs into the water.  Dr. Wynn Parker who has a show on Republic Broadcasting Network, has written and spoken extensively about the use of chloromine in the water and the dangers of fracking.

A good household filter is essential.  But you must know that many of these harmful chemicals can not be taken out of the water.  Bottled water is not an option since many companies use municipal water to start with.  Another point is that in times of trouble chances are there will be no electricity.  Without electricity it will not be possible to pump water or gasoline.  You must be prepared to operate in the dark.

If you keep this list handy I am sure it will help most health problems without expensive medication, procedures and insurance.  The key is to start saving food especially seeds and beans. You need to realize that this day of food shortage is definitely coming.  Avoid foods that are manufactured because they are not food and will lead to illness..  Real food can not be manufactured!

If you need medications be sure to have enough on hand.  What's best is to avoid illness by eating properly.  Do not eat junk food or processed food. 

The banks will collapse.  Do not keep money in the bank.  Convert all your assets into gold or silver.  I sell small amounts of gold by the gram that can be traded for goods and services.  Go here to open a free gold account.  Take delivery over 100 grams or store your gold in Switzerland for free.

Safety and security.  
-  The lights will go out.  There will be no phone service.  No ambulance service.   No help.  You must have a plan to secure yourself.  And when the people get hungry they will be like animals.  The best thing is to move together with trusted family and friends in a defendable location.  Think of Katrina times 1000 worse.

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