Tuesday, November 22, 2011


The economic collapse is nothing more than a shift in the economic system from one form to another. It may seem chaotic to us but in fact it is well calculated. The pain to the he masses of people is considered to be collateral damage and is expected from the herd who have no idea of what is going on.

In the very near future a person will be allowed to enter this world owing a bill for the air that he breathes and the water that he consumes. He will be given the opportunity to pay back his debt to society by working and receiving credits, This means that all human activity will have to be measured and the cost will be calculated so that an aggregate cost of mankind's existence can be made and then an individual's bill debited to his account adjusted for race, location and certain choices such as marriage, child birthing, housing, meat eating and so on.

The proponents behind this kind of controlled society will be the "Technocrats" whose job it will be to make sure that the carrying capacity of the Earth is not exceeded. Of course the same Technocrats will be exempt from the standard rules of life because of their contribution to society.

If you think I am joking hear this: I had a business associate who was from Belgium. His parents worked for the EU. As a result he was allowed to attend a private school made up of the children of EU bureaucrats and no one else. They shopped in special stores and ate special food. They lived in special neighborhoods.

There will be pockets of avoidance on this Earth. But you will have to be able to buy your way in. I suggest gold and silver savings plan with physical delivery outside of the U.S. Come to: http://ping.fm/Sr6Z5 to learn about alternatives to the "Economic Collapse". Remember their saying: Ordo Ab Chao

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