Wednesday, March 21, 2012

To A Man With Only A Hammer, Everything Is A Nail

Michael Maloney interviews Jim Rogers, a co-founder of the Quantum Fund, a global-investment partnership he began after attending Yale and Oxford University. During the 10 years that followed, the portfolio gained 4200%, while the S&P 500 rose less than 50%. Rogers then decided to retire - at age 37!

In the recent interview between Mike Maloney and Jim Rogers, it was pointed out that Chairman of the Fed, Ben Bernanke only knows how to print more money and has not been right about anything else.  During the 15 minute interview, Mr. Rogers, drew upon his vast knowledge of finance and monetary policy to highlight many of America's failed monetary policies and the fact that the country had the biggest national debt ever in history.  That being the case, Mr. Rogers sees  problems for the dollar over the next decade.

Mike Maloney pointed out that anyone holding dollars is actually investing in dollars.  Mr. Maloney says that what many people feel are savings are actually an investment that is destined to fail.  Maloney also referred to the "East West Cycle".  That cycle refers to a historical fact that every 500 years or so prosperity and leadership in technology shifts between the East and the West.  Mr. Maloney says that cycle is now shifting back to the East.  Mr. Rogers concurred and stated that this cycle shifting back to Asia is a fact which is why his children speak fluent Mandarin and he lives in Singapore.

Both gentlemen, admitted to keeping gold and silver coins in their pockets at all times as it symbolizes the bull market which the pair believe will last through this decade and could be important as currencies get into trouble which could be at any time.

You can listen to this interview on the March 28th broadcast of Goldenladyfun.

 Open a free gold account and store your gold in Europe here.

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