What is the purpose of providing "free" health care? What is the purpose of bombing Palestinians into oblivion? Why try to force a people to take deadly vaccines? Why starve your own people?
The effect of the 911 attack, hurricane Katrina, Joplin tornado, Fukushima Nuclear disaster, Gulf of Mexico oil platform blow out, the Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004, the terrorist attacks of the 70's,, the various wars, the oil crisis of the 70's, the Great Depression of 1929 the various financial bubbles, unpredictable weather patterns, mass pandemics such as HIV, the plundering of Africa for its riches and now the coming fresh water crisis and many other challenges had one thing in common: it made the people feel HELPLESS!
We are promised daily of future catastrophies by the government and its sidekick, the news media. All of these threats are intended to create a feeling of helplessness and dependence on them for our survival. Whether these threats are real or imagined, intentional or accidental they have the same effect. They serve the same purpose; scare the the people back into the fold; sort of like herding sheep.
Margaret Meade found when she was exploring many Pacific Island cultures that they had no word for murder. The concept of one human deliberately taking the life of another was not even in their consciousness. That means that there was no threat of such a thing happening. Today, we accept this evil reality along with the possibility that weather, war, terrorism and shortages can be deliberately engineered by the group that has the biggest gun. We have no concept of life without catastrophe or the threat of catastrophe.
One can not just blame it on greed or even some sort of psychopathic intent. If that were the case someone would just set off a Nuclear Holocaust and do away with us all. Some learned nuts are calling for just that. But in the minds of the truly Satanic they enjoy the suffering, whether from an act of God or at the hands of mankind. They enjoy watching people become HELPLESS. They do not just want to cull the herd. They want to watch it suffer.
Have you ever heard of a government passing laws for the benefit of the people? Sure the laws will be entitled with some kind words. The the intention of these laws are to usually do the exact opposite of what they say. Such as the "Monetary Stabilization" law or the "Feed the Poor" law, or the "Give Everyone a Birthday Party" law. How about "No Child Left Behind", The Emancipation Proclamation or Affirmative Action? But in reality all of these laws, rules, declarations, policies and measures have the opposite intention and effect.
This means that the powers that be are afraid. They are afraid that they may be wrong and that in fact humankind is capable of taking action to take care of itself and no longer need them. If you can build your own homes, grow your own food, heal your own illnesses and think your own thoughts, you have no need for them.
From where this writer sits in Europe I see Europeans as being totally dependent. They are a people with one thing in common; "Learned Helplessness". Is that you? Have you learned to be helpless? Do you suffer from "Normalcy Bias". Or have you any natural instincts to protect yourself and your family? Are you a bleating sheep squawking about how unfair the tax laws are or how you have no money or how much fuel cost? If so, you could be suffering from Learned Helplessness. Unless you are willing to protect yourself now.
Children are especially vulnerable to this strategy of teaching people to be helpless. Human children are dependent on their parents and families for a longer period of time than most other species.. They are easily influenced by scenes of helplessness. Look around you and you will see a continuous stream of images and messages all saying the same thing. "You need us." How do you teach a child to have hope and an expectation of abundance when all the media, schools, TV programing and movies tells them otherwise.
Once the illusion of dependence has been introduced into a society it is very difficult to get it out. Self-pity and feeling sorry for ones self is insidious. This very issue can be easily seen in black Americans who have been told how pitiful they ought to be because they have suffered through racial prejudice and slavery. That then becomes the excuse to be dependent on the State to make up for the hardship they have had to endure. Once again helplessness has taken hold.
What about peoples of the former Soviet Union or Eastern Europeans who have had to undergo massive suffering and then are reminded how they suffered so much and how important the government is to take care of them. Is this the reason that suffering is a necessary component of government in order to maintain control?
The teaching of helplessness is used by government to control populations. Now that suffering has come to America as it has been used all over the world throughout the ages. China, Cambodia, Sudan, Palestine, Serbia, Indonesia, South Africa, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Japan, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece and more are examples of places where learned helplessness has been used to undermine the people.
What can you do? We do not have much time before the last act of this drama on Earth will be played out. It is up to you to decide if it will be a tragedy or a triumphant adventure. As Confucius said, "It is impossible to step into the same river twice". Was he wrong?
Open your free gold account here. Don't be helpless.
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