Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Why Is Sweden Like The Star Ship Enterprise?

Why is Sweden like the star ship Enterprise?  Sweden is almost a cashless society.  Having lived there I speak from experience.  If you want to know what is coming just look at Sweden or Denmark on the one hand or Africa on the other.  Its called the carrot or the stick routine.

I hate to pop your bubble but Sweden is not this wonderful society of large breasted blonds.  That is a myth like so many other myths.  Sweden is a country whose people pay at least 50% income tax and more.  It has a King and Queen.  Swedes are known for their religious consumption of alcohol.  (Don't believe me?  Denmark has laws against drunk Swedes in the main train station.)

All the liquor stores are owned and operated by the government.  Many Swedes are obese, depressed, take anti-depression medication and are incredibly boring.

Read this article to see how Sweden is supposed to be so advance because they are going to a "cashless" system just like Denmark and Norway.  In Denmark the card is called "Dankort".
Sweden Goes Cashless

I believe you can expect that one day soon the cashless society will be offered to you in America as a solution to the Fed.  It is not a solution but a trap to give you less control over your own destiny and hand more control of your money and labor to your government.

The "Free Medical System" they talk about is another trick.  They use this system to force everyone to have to register where he lives just as they do in Scandinavia.  Every Scandinavian must carry a medical card that has a number and tells everything about them.  This is the way that the government can keep track of who is where and can decide who to help and who to eliminate.  I know because I used to live in that system.  I know how the system works.

In Scandinavia, you will see no retarded kids, no autistic kids and few old people.  The Scandinavians hide their mistakes from public view and prefer to talk about how they are the friendliest, happiest most kissing people on the planet.  (Are we talking about the same people?).

Breast Cancer is through the roof.  Infertility is through the roof.  Food is all GMO and despite plenty of information to the contrary, cell phones, they call mobile phones, are promoted as the end all be all of the society.  They have more cell towers than pay phones.

The idealistic vision as portrayed on "Star Trek" is nothing more than the United Nations masquerading as The Federation Of Planets.  They use Sweden, Denmark and China as their show pieces of what can be accomplished by centralized government control.  But what about "Freedom", "Liberty", "self-reliance" and "Independence"?  What about "Individualism"?  These concepts are non-existing in the 24th Century just as they are nonexistent in Scandinavia, China and were absent from the Soviet Union.

Has anyone seen what the U.N. has done in Africa?  Why is the U.N. there killing, sterilizing and trying to control the wealthiest place on Earth.  Could it be because they want to control all natural resources such as water, air, copper, silver, gold, etc.?  Mind you the U.N. has announced last week that they own all fresh water resources on the planet.  Do you dare to disagree with them?

We are not cows to be taxed and then butchered.  We are humans made in the image of God and should not be herded like goats but left alone.  Try telling that to Captain Jean Luc Picard.

No, they can not leave us alone.  After all without us there would be no need for them.  Sure Star Trek is a nice propaganda show about their wonderful new world.  But the fact is we already know what they want to do.  We do not like what we see.  Is Ben Bernanke part of the old worn out Hegelian Dialectic.  Problem, Reaction, Solution.  Or is he just incredibly misinformed? "Beam me up, Scotty".  This place is full of large breasted blonds and not a human among them.

To learn more about your financial world go here.

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