In the future there will be no football or rock n roll or picnics. There will be no public displays of affection and there will be no laughing out loud. That's right, you will be living in a grey colorless world of work and rest. Your music will be monotonous, your women will be fat and useful. Your men will be small and useless. Your children will be snitches and your friends will be just like you.
I first had a glimpse of your future when I sneaked into East Germany because I wanted to see what it was like. I won't bore you with the whole story. But let me just say it was so horrible that I could not use the toilet for 4 days.
I had my eldest daughter with me, she was only 7. When she saw a huge sculpture of Karl Marx's head looking down on us she began to cry. We were in Karl Marx Stadt. Today it is called Chemnitz. My hosts lived in a small two bedroom flat, one for the parents and one for their teenage son. In the toiletless bathroom (the communal toilet was in a closet in the outside hallway) was a noisy meter that clicked every second to remind you of how much electricity you were using. The more power you used the faster it clicked. My hosts almost fainted when I plugged in my daughter's hair dryer and the clicker began clicking away at a fast pace.
In the future you will live in a fascist state made to appear as a socialist state. What is the difference? Socialism is when the people make money and are forced to give it to others of the society. Corporations pass their profits and their losses on to society. In a fascist state any profit of the corporation is kept by the corporation and any loses are passed on to the people. You will live in a fascist state veiled as a socialist state similar to what they now have in Europe. By the way, in a capitalist state the corporations keep their own profits and endure their own losses.
In Europe only certain species of fruits, vegetables and meat may be sold. One shop has the exact same stuff as any other shop. All of those items are distributed by the same company. There is no competition and there is no variety. This goes for everything with a very few slight variations.
In such a state you will be forced to buy things from state sanctioned companies. This will include phone service, electricity, fuel, food, medicines, health care, clothing, appliances, housing, etc. Competition will not be tolerated. No natural foods, no natural medicines, no supplements, no alternative treatments, no alternative news, no alternative energy, etc. Innovation is completely stifled. This system is run through a group of Public / Private Partnerships and NGO's (non-governmental organizations)
Recently, I was in the planning stages of setting up a recycling plant to fuel. I thought to place this plant in a Kansas town that was on the decline. They directed me to a Public / Private owned industrial park nearby. Upon contacting those people, I was informed that they had no space for my kind of operation. This is very typical in Europe. Now it is becoming the norm in the U.S.
On with the story of your future. The worse part is that in the future sports such as football, baseball, tennis, golf, NASCAR racing will be made illegal because they place too much emphasis on self reliance and not enough focus on the hive mentality. Instead you will be forced to play games such as handball, soccer and other sports that rely on non-competitiveness and less individual effort.
All public events, concerts, shows, productions, displays must have the government's stamp of approval. Even books and films must be accredited by the government. There will be no truly private enterprise, private efforts or competition with the government. If you do not have the government's seal of approval you will be shut down or not allowed to show your material.
We see this everyday in Europe. Now it is coming to America. The state or one of its official monopolies will be your partner in every venture. Any loses will be passed on to the people. Friends of the state will receive no bid contracts and protection from competition. And if you complain you will be punished for being disruptive.
In your future globalism and environmentalism will be your new religion. Christianity, Islam and Hinduism will be disallowed because they emphasize a one on one relationship with God instead of a group think mentality. If you practice Christianity you will be ridiculed and ultimately terminated.
Instead, you will be made to participate in massive rallies for the Earth and all its animals who will have equal rights in a court of law. Bestiality will be permitted. Eating meat will be outlawed. Instead you will be forced to eat meat substitutes. As a result, people will be smaller. Women will be bigger than men. (Doesn't this sound like Paganism).
In Europe there are no wild animals. Most of them have been killed to protect more docile species that are more profitable and manageable. Wild breeds are too unpredictable and vary in size, and color. All of the fish, pork, chicken, fowl and beef, come from the state sanctioned factory. Nothing comes from non-factory sources. Almost all the vegetable and fruit varieties are unlabeled GMO. As a result there is no variety and prices are not market driven but artificially and arbitrarily controlled by trade organizations.
People will not live in houses. Instead they will live in apartment blocks. These blocks will be small with small electric appliances, smart meters and they will be expensive. ( I am told that in Moscow private single family dwellings are unheard of. Germany plans to do away with single family homes as well). They will have a small balcony instead of a yard. Heating and cooling will be centralized so that there can no be wasted heat. If you are hot you must remove your clothing. If you are cold you must wear a sweater or a jacket.
Bath tubs will no be present. Instead there will be a drain in the bathroom floor so that you can rinse yourself off and save recycled waste water. Toilets will also be low volume so as not to waste precious water. Drinking water will be recycled waste water. Fresh water will be owned by the U.N. whether in clouds, on the surface or below the surface.
Speaking of clothing, sizes and styles will be limited. It is up to the person to make sure that he can fit into the available sizes. And variety will be limited so that no person will feel better than anyone else. The idea of using natural materials such as leather, wool and silk will be reserved only for the leaders. Common folk will have their clothing made out of synthetic fabrics.
Activities such as hunting, fishing, sailing, playing catch, playing tag and running will be outlawed. You will be allowed to participate in state run exercise programs. Personal creativity will not be allowed. Laughing, singing, telling jokes, tickling, barbecuing will be against the law. Drinking alcohol and taking recreational drugs will be allowed. And studying to be a clown or street performer will be an acceptable profession for young people.
Private cars will be outlawed for the public. Instead mass transit will be the norm. Taking buses and trains will be the practice. Bicycle riding for transportation will be an accepted practice as one can see in Copenhagen and elsewhere.
Handicapped persons will live in group homes and well out of the way of public view. Genetically, handicapped persons will not be allowed to breed and will be sterilized. You will see young youthful persons working and going to government run retraining classes. The elderly will be placed in homes out of the way and away from public view. Elderly will be anyone over 40 years old.
People will no longer bother to get married. Child birth will be a licensed event. There will be no families. Children will be raised by the state. Attendance at public schools and vaccines will be mandatory.
I think you get the picture. In the future there will be no money. Instead there will be a system of credits and debits which are given at birth. When a person is born he will have so many years to pay off his debt or taxes to society for being born. This will be a cashless society, strictly monitored so that you do not live much past the time it takes you to pay off your debt. "Carousel" will be implemented as part of your obligation to society.
In some circles this scenario sounds like music to their ears. They openly advocate it. In fact this form of society has already been implemented in Europe, China and now America. All countries are going to the cashless society as we speak. They have made it illegal for cash transactions more than 2500 Euros such as in Spain. Research it and see for yourself. If you want to protect yourself from being forced into this paradigm you must own gold and silver. Otherwise, resistance will be futile.
Buy your gold here.
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