Thursday, April 19, 2012

What Is A Straw Man?

What is a straw man?  I don't know.  But here are a few things to think about.

When you were born your parents were told that your birth had to be registered.  They did not know that when you register anything it becomes owned by the registrar.  At that point a legal fiction was created similar to a corporation.  This corporation had the same name as you do only it is distinguished by the name being spelled in all caps.

Take a look at any of your id and you will see a name representing you spelled in all caps.  That is because all transactions are contractual.  The contracting parties are the fiction known as you and who ever else you are contracting with.

When you sign or appear under that name you are saying that you represent and that you stand for the fiction known as your fictional character or corporation or Straw Man, name spelled in all caps.  Don't believe me?  Look it up.  But now for the shock of your life.  The United States that you think you live in is not the same united States that the founding fathers formed.  That country, which was an assembly of states went into bankruptcy in 1933 and has been in bankruptcy ever since.   Meanwhile, another corporation with the exact same name in all caps was created.  The "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA".  It is that entity that we all deal with and they are under Maritime Law as evidenced by the flag with the gold fringe around it.

The next time you see an American Flag, notice whether or not there is a gold fringe around it.  My suggestion is that you look this all up for accuracy.  But one thing for sure is that what you think has value and what you think does not is not what is being promoted in movies, on TV, music videos and in the media.  Its a sham.

The same applies to your money.  What you believe is wealth is in fact receipts for true wealth.  Wealth has traditionally been held as gold and silver for thousands of years.  The notes or bills we call and use as money is really not money.  It is like a check.

In the scope of things this information does not change anything.  But in terms of your own preparation you may want to consider a more secure form in which to hold your wealth.

We sell affordable gold here.

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