O.K. The final countdown has arrived. Slowly but surely America is marching towards Marshall Law. Inside sources reveal that the government has been preparing for years for the imposition of Marshall Law. What does that mean? It means that certain freedoms and rights will be taken away for your protection by the military.
There are two issues that immediately come to mind: 1. What will trigger such an event? 2. What can you do to prepare yourselves?
We do not know what will trigger Marshall Law. It could be some sort of natural disaster like an earthquake or hurricane. It could also be man made like a riot or nuclear explosion. In either case the people would turn to violence and law and order will have to be restored by the military in order to maintain the integrity of the country.
This means for our readers that you must begin to arrange your affairs now so that you will be able to avoid unnecessary trouble later. While the focus of this blog has been on financial preparation you must not overlook the need for food, housing, security and safety.
We firmly recommend you stop watching TV which is designed to hypnotize you and prevent you from taking action. Listen to the radio, read, talk, meet while you still can. Take some sort of action.
Discuss the situation with your family and friends. This is not a secret. Make sure you all know what to do in the event of an emergency. Do not think that weapons will save you. Most likely guns will be outlawed. The use of a gun will most likely get you killed. I know this goes against what popular opinion says. But under a Marshall Law scenario you will have no rights. The military will be called in to make sure that you comply. And I do believe under the right circumstances our people in uniform will do what they are ordered to do.
Where I live we have no right to carry guns or weapons of any kind. Still in my home my family including the kids carry knives in a holster. This teaches us the limitations of a weapon and keeps us aware of what true defense is and not to rely on a false sense of security that can be had by a weapon. Remember, the best weapon in the world sits on top of your neck, your head.
What about the roving gangs? This is a real threat. You can expect that a segment of the population will try to take advantage of the situation. The police will not be able to respond in each and every case. My advice is if you must stay in place, your presence must be defendable and it is better to see them before they see you. A locked door will not be sufficient to protect you.
How can you defend yourself without a gun? Most crooks are predators of opportunity. They seek the easiest targets where they think they can control the outcome. If your life is at risk you must use whatever means necessary to survive. But if you engage in a gun battle chances are that a helicopter gunship will take you out.
I suggest that you hunker down in a safe room. Attract as little attention as possible and make yourself as inconspicuous as possible. As someone who has been involved in gang wars in another life I can assure you that thugs will not bother with a target that is risky or not rich enough to attract them.
It is far safer to be in the countryside than the city. However, people who live in cities have experience and know how to avoid trouble. Have you ever seen the typical security of a New York City apartment? They have bars on the windows and doors. I highly recommend this sort of passive protection. I also recommend a dog. We have two dogs. One has a very loud deep bark. The other is a yappy monster. That yappy monster is the more dangerous of the two.
If you are in an Urban or Suburban setting, initially, you must be prepared to spend the first two weeks inside without water or electricity. This means that your food and water will have to be stored. Set it up so that you can see out and no one can see in. If the police come cooperate. They will not have time or patience to comfort you.
Band together with your neighbors. A block defense is far more secure than if you try to secure yourselves on your own. Put your elderly and children in the safest place possible. Able body people need to be ready to take up positions on the perimeter.
When my family and I have been in difficult situations we used our children as observers because kids notice all sorts of things that older people can not see or hear. We also feigned fake cameras, attacks, withdrawals, movements to confuse our adversary. We booby trapped our house perimeter not to cause injury but to let the bad guys not be so sure that they knew what was on the other side of that door. A little bit of doubt goes a long ways.
You might say we were out manned and out gunned. So we used our experience in an urban setting to confuse the adversary and keep them off balance. They never knew what to expect from us. We were supposed to be their victims. But we acted like a bunch of crazy people. This created a bubble of time which made our attackers think twice.
I might also say that we prayed a lot.
Many of you think that this will be a race war. That it will only affect black and Hispanic people. Let me tell you this. If you think that race will make a difference you are totally deluded. This will be a TV event similar to the 911 event. What are the images that will make you say "thank God for the government"? Will that be images of poor black people looting or will it be images of people just like you being victimized?
This will be a made for TV event. The producers of that event want to persuade you to go along with their plans and ideas for a one world government. Remember the Hegelian Dialectic: problem, reaction, solution? They want you to react. How are they going to get you to react by showing images of poor colored people? You are used to that image already. What you are going to see is good middle Americans suffering and begging for government intervention. That sort of manipulation is what its all about. And if "a few egg shells have to get cracked" along the way, so be it. That's how these folks roll. They whole heartedly believe that the end justifies the means.
We are not here to try to change the course of events. That is not within our control. We are here to help you survive. Katrina was a testing ground. Now the main event is about to unfold and you are the star.
If you are one of the fortunate people who survives the first two weeks you and your family can begin to make arrangements for a longer range survival plan. But I can tell you this. Part of any longer range plan must include a financial system for barter and trade. As you know we sell gold in small amounts. I also suggest that you begin storing pennies and junk silver in case you can not afford gold. If you want to make a deal you must have something with which to trade.
I recommend that you buy your affordable gold from us. Why do I say affordable? We sell gold by the gram. That means that for about $70 you can own a 1 gram gold bar, 999.9% fine gold, with certificate of authentication. You can take delivery or store it in our vault in Switzerland. To open a free savings account go here.
This is a very unpleasant subject. But it is far better to be mentally prepared than to sit watching the boob tube and dreaming of a life that has long since disappeared. Your adversary has used his time wisely and prepared in every way with Billions of Dollars to work with. Don't you think you should do a little planning too?
May God Bless You.
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