According to the U.N. there is not enough water on the planet for the people. Their solution is to grab control of this vital resource in the form of clouds, rain, aquifers and rivers and streams. Next they wish to recycle waste water (toilet water) with fresh drinking water. Then to finish it off they plan to ration water supplies.
With these people there is always a shortage of something. A shortage of peace, a shortage of freedom, a shortage of food, a shortage of land, a shortage of health, a shortage of fresh air and now a shortage of water.
The shortage of fresh water is another way of saying that there is shortage of Nitrogen. One could get the impression that their true intent is to destroy man kind. We know from facts that Polio, Small Pox, HIV, Cancer (SV 40) and other pandemics were spread by the vaccines that were meant to prevent them.. But magically, the U.N. is mute when it comes to GMO's, Chemtrails and so on. More than a year later the people of Haiti still have no homes, the people of New Orleans have never returned to their homes and Fukushima still poses a threat to the people of the globe. Isn't it a threat to global stability if legitimate world leaders and regimes can be eliminated because we disapprove of their policies such as in Libya, Egypt, Pakistan and elsewhere.
If the U.N. wants to take over our resources is there any reason to believe that they can manage those resources better than we ourselves can? Chances are that if this global organization gets a hold of your stuff you would be well advised to be prepared to protect them. Their track record is horrendous. Now they are coming for you and they want to tax you to do it.
This is all fine and dandy except for one simple fact. There is no shortage of water. There may be a distribution problem or the fact that commercial products and commercial farming techniques lead to the pollution and desertification of land masses. An example would be Coca Cola using up fresh water to make coke and leaving the people the choice of either drinking bottled beverages which they produce or polluted waste they also produce.
What about petrochemicals. There is no shortage of oil In fact there is a glut of oil. Yet, oil fields are deliberately being closed and under developed to keep the prices high. What is the U.N. doing about that?
Africa has no shortage of water yet 5 million children per year die due to a lack of fresh drinking water. What is wrong with this picture? Zambia is a world leader of copper yet its per capita income is between $1000 and $5000 per year.
Could it be that the U.N. is a spoiler agency? Their purpose seems to be to justify their own existence, kill as many people as possible and make sure that the rich and powerful stay that way.
Recent revelations demonstrate that American and European fresh waters have been polluted by hundreds of toxic materials including fluoride, chloromin, pharmaceuticals, etc. All of these measures serve to place the U.N. in a dominant position to manage the resources in question. This has become the justification for confiscating the water above your property as well as beneath the surface.
If necessary global war will be orchestrated in order to demonstrate the need for supra governmental control. Once again the Hegelian Dialectic is alive and well. Problem - Water shortage; Reaction - global warfare; Solution - Centralized governmental control.
The point is, whether you will be a victim or a survivor? Aside from the obvious, we suggest that you hold your assets in gold or silver. Store these assets in Switzerland until needed.
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