Friday, December 30, 2011

2012 Predictions - Get Ready

Goldenladyfun Predictions for 2012 -

The social engineer's intention is to eliminate 90% of the population. But because they are mentally ill their so called thinning of the herd will turn into a bloodbath as part of a pagan ritual. The expected reaction of the population is that they will follow each other into a killing zone to be slaughtered. Don't do what everyone else does.

At the moment less than 1% of Americans own gold and silver. In 2012 that number will grow to 5%. Already there is a severe shortage of gold and silver.

What we have done at goldenladyfun is designed a few simple solutions to give the people real money not paper currency and to provide homes in the country so that homelessness can be avoided and you can grow your own food.

We do not do this for the profit. This is our way of contributing and we ask for nothing in return. Our place is already assured in heaven with our Maker.

But you do have to work and pay for what you get. There is no such thing as "free". If you are willing to work it will be our pleasure to assist you too.

1. There will be endless war. This was stated by the CIA in the 90's and PNAC subsequently. However, I believe that within 20 years all of this nonsense will be done with and the remaining population will go back to their lives as usual.

2. Economic Collapse - This is a foregone conclusion. It is already underway whether or not it has been officially announced on the evening news. (Only a fool depends on the news for his information. There will be no announcement that the economy is officially collapsed. The public will be the last to know.) If you do not own gold or silver and have a survival plan you are finished. There will be no hoping for the best. There is only preparing for the worst.

3. Nuclear, Biological and Chemical attack - You are already under attack. Your food, water and bodies have been attacked. To make matters worse electromagnetic and psychological attacks are underway and have been since the 30"s.

4. Election - My prediction is that Obama will be reelected because of his proven track record. His backers will do anything including fraud to assure his victory. Ron Paul will put up a good fight. But he is totally unwilling to cheat. And this is a cheater's game.

5. Cancer rates will double, psychological / mental illness will increase, suicides will increase.

6. There will be food riots with blood in the streets. The U.N. will be called into America to quell violence. Guns will be outlawed and mass killings will take place. This was always the plan and they have been setting it up since the 40's.

7. I expect war to come to Iran, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Somalia, Georgia, Mexico, Venezuela Cuba, East Africa, North Africa and Central Africa.

8. Vaccines will be mandatory or no government assistance will be given including the right to buy food.

9. We will go to a cashless society for obvious reasons.

10. America will be divided into 10 administrative parts requiring permits to move from one place to another.

11. Electronic id cards will be implanted sub-dermally for easy identification, to make purchases and termination.

12. Airlines will be nationalized because of the lack of profitability.

13. All major roads will be toll roads with fuel costing upwards of $6 per gallon. I would expect fuel to rise to $30per gallon eventually.

14. Private possession of gold and silver will be outlawed in the U.S.. But a thriving black market will be allowed to exist as a means of herding groups together.

15. Work communes will be created with children being sent to indoctrination camps.

16. The elderly, sickly and trouble makers will be eliminated.

17. Christianity will be outlawed.

18. Medical care will be either withheld or provided only to the permitted classes

19. There will be plenty of false hope and false messiahs. You will have to be able to decern whats real and what is not.

20. Consumption of human bi-products and waste will be the norm (I know its sick, but they are already doing this to you).

I can not say all of this will come to pass in 2012. But most of these programs will either be continued or started in 2012.

I do not believe our destiny is fixed. We can change this. But you have to stop acting so predictably. Do not watch TV and movies. Talk to your family and friends. Share thoughts. Pick your moves carefully.

There are thousands of ways to reverse this not to mention God, the most powerful force in this universe. If you do not believe in God you are lost. If you do believe in God hit your knees and pray. Meditate. Worship. Buy your gold and silver from us.

We have a new program to deal with the growing population who are now and will become HOMELESS!

Learn about our homeless program here: . We are also looking for workers both paid and volunteers.

Buy your affordable gold and silver here:

Let us show you how to buy and store your gold and silver. If you are low on funds we can try to work it out. But don't do nothing. Time is short.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ron Paul On Track To Win Iowa Caucus


Ron Paul On Track To Win Iowa Caucus

Thursday, December 22, 2011 10:31
By all indications Congressman Ron Paul is on track to win the Iowa Caucus.  Mr Paul has had a sterling 30 year career in Congress.  Through that time Americans seem to have come to the realization that his conservative values stand in opposition to the views embodied by the current administration.  Not only does Mr. Paul have a background as a medical doctor but he distinguished himself as a veteran flight surgeon of the U.S. Air Force.

Other GOP opponents have resolutely opposed Ron Paul.  Issues such as the American involvement in the U.N., pro abortion, hawkish war stance, advocation of American military stance around the world with particular desre to go to war with Iran, mega bailouts for large global banks,  increase in taxes, big government and further erosion of American conservative values have outlined the differences between Mr. Paul and the rest of the pack.
But polls indicate the overwhelmig popularity of Congressman Paul over the other would be nominees.  This obvious break from the pack has resulted in Ron Paul being accused of racism, nationalism, isolationism, and pacificism.  Despite his anti-war views Mr. Paul is exceedingly popular with members of the military.  Polls indicate that Ron Paul is the candidate of choice as far as the military is concerned.  He enjoys a 70% approval rate from men and women in uniform.

Another segment of the population that has supported Mr. Paul has been the youth.  Their understanding that there are major problems with the American foreign policy, domestic policy and economic policy has driven this segment to the Paul camp.  Still the opponents continue to support the position of the current Democratic party administration.

All the while the mainstream media have tried to minimize the Paul success and have all but ignored his popularity. It will be interesting to see whether or not Ron Paul will indeed win the Iowa Caucus and on go to win in New Hampshire. Surely these victories will guarantee his GOP nomination and head to head contest with Barack Obama.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

100 Million Dollar Penny

How Much is owed?  Why gold is necessary.  Buy from me.  Start Your free savings account today while you still have time.  Click here to open a free gold account

100 Times More Want To Buy Gold

Here Mike Maloney explains that there are millions of people who want to buy gold all over the world.  There is only so much gold to go around.  In fact production of gold has declined and you can not make synthetic gold.  What this means to you is that if you do not own gold you are screwed.

Buy your gold from us and take advantage of all the benefits.  Open a free gold savings account today. Free Gold Savings Account Here

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Homeless to Millionaire

What if you were homeless and had the means to go from homeless to a millionaire?  It can be done if you understand simple economics.  Which would you rather be paid in worthless paper currency or gold and silver?  Most people would rather be paid in gold or silver.  You can always convert precious metal to paper currency.

In the near future no one will want your worthless paper.  If you do not have precious metal in the form of gold or silver no one will want to do business with you.  So how can you go from homeless to millionaire?  Before I tell you let me give you the lay of the land.

Think of the world, life, your existence as if you are playing a giant game of Monopoly.  In Monopoly one of the tactics to winning is buying up all the properties you land on at the beginning of the game.  Then as the other players go round and round the board they have to land on one of your properties.  When they land on your property they have to pay tax or rent.

Isn't this just like food, gas, electricity, water, housing, mobile phones, internet service, etc.?  Well the game of life that you are in is just like this.  Only instead of buying properties you have to hold gold or silver.  A person has to buy as much gold as he can, a relatively worthless chunk of metal.   You  start small and over time you collect this metal.  After a short while you have plenty of pieces of metal.

Forget about what the spot price is.  That really does not matter.  What matters is that this is the key to the game and you have a heap of metal.  Now if others perceive this metal to have value you can use it to buy whatever.

We sell pieces of metal.  We sell it in small amounts.  We help you begin saving it for a rainy day.  The more advance collectors can play around with the price.  But really you do not have to worry about the price as this metal can only become more useful.

This is how a homeless person can become a millionaire by collecting metal.

If you want to begin collecting some metal and store it offshore or take physical possession let us know.  We are happy to answer your questions and get you started in a free savings program.  Agents and distributors are always welcomed as well.  Do you need a job?

Open a free account here :)

Write me, Goldy, with your questions here.

Friday, December 16, 2011

1 Week Till Meltdown In Europe? says Zero Hedge


Australian Banks Given One Week To Prepare For European "Meltdown"

"Whereas previously we had heard extensive horror stories about banks being told to prepare for the end of the world in case the European summit (the latest and greatest one from last Friday which was supposed to find a cure for cancer among other things) failed, and even went so far as to read about preparations for trading in the drachma on a when issued basis, once the summit passed (and it was clear that media posturing would do nothing to fix what has already been a failure and it would be best to remove the threats of "reality" from the public's attention) all such "end of the world" speculation promptly disappeared - after all why remind people that things are now worse than ever.  Until today. According to the Australian Finance Review , banks down under "have been given 1 week by regulators to stress test how they would handle a spike in joblessness, plunge in home prices spurred by EU debt crisis." Aka a European "Meltdown." And since we don't have immediate access to the article, we leave it to Bloomberg First Word to describe for us what the article says... the end of the world in case the European summit (the latest and greatest one from last Friday which was supposed to find a cure for cancer among other things) failed, and even went so far as to read about preparations for trading in the drachma on a when issued basis, once the summit passed (and it was clear that media posturing would do nothing to fix what has already been a failure and it would be best to remove the threats of "reality" from the public's attention) all such "end of the world" speculation promptly disappeared - after all why remind people that things are now worse than ever.."

Buy your gold now!  Be ready:  Buy Cheap Affordable Gold Here

Thursday, December 15, 2011

We Are A Proud Member of the London Bullion Market Association

"A Golden Tipping Point: University of Texas Takes Delivery Of $1 Billion In Physical Gold"


"The world's first and only gold backed purchase plan...
A kinebar is a gold bar which contains a hologram to prove its authenticity. Each KB Gold bullion has a serial number and hologram cut with laser. Each bullion is embedded into a product card. .The certification films are heat sealed and cut into each product card in one step. The globally recognized certificate guarantees that the contents are genuine.

Market Niche
Our unique marketing strategy and niche is to produce and distribute 999.9 pure kine-bar quality gold and silver products in smaller weights - creating a new and more affordable way for more people to buy / sell / own and control the commodity that everyone wants."


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Barbarians At The Gate

By now everyone on Earth realizes that the bankers are in fact in the game for their own account.  That's a nice way of saying that the banks are crooks.   They now control the money, the banks, the governments. the armies, the real estate, the jobs and the economies of the world. There is some indication that they control precious metals such as gold and silver.  The question you should be asking yourself is "how do you protect your family from the engineered economic collapse.  What is worth more than gold?  Answer: You and your freedom.  What do they want now that they own everything else.  They want to own you.  Are you going to give it to them?

If your answer is no, then, you must have a means of denying them.  Could that means be self-sufficiency in the form of "gold".  We just happen to sell it at very reasonable terms.   Cheap Affordable Gold Here

Our advice is to remove your money from the banks.  Convert your assets to gold or silver.  Store your precious metals in secret.

We are here to assist you with acquiring gold or silver.  We can answer your questions.  We can give you information.

There is already a shortage of gold.  Will you wait until there is panic buying?  Don't say I did not tell you so.  People around the planet are standing in line to buy gold.  Today gold is selling for $1540 per ounce.  Don't wait until the price goes up to $3000 per ounce.  

One more time.  Buy gold now!  You can store it in our Swiss vault if you like.  We sell small bits of gold by the gram for less than $100.  If you have 5 grams of gold.  We expect 5 grams of gold to be worth $2500 within 12 months.

We are here to help.

Open A Free Gold Account

Monday, December 12, 2011

1 Gram To 100 Metric Tons - We do it all

We sell both small and large transactions. 

 This is what one of our suppliers had to say in a recent email.

 LARGE-SCALE GOLD PURCHASES.  Keep in mind, too, that while there is not a lot of GLD-compliant metal on the market, we are one of the very few Buyers on the planet capable of purchasing large-scale quantities - 100 Metric Tons or more of gold.  We have, in fact, very considerable financial resources at our disposal and are able to purchase the Seller's entire inventory - regardless of amount - maximum tranche size 500 MT Au per week until the Seller's stock is exhausted.  That's a massive $28 Billion USD PER WEEK in gold purchases, which surely puts us in a league of our own!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hyperinflation Means A Society Hypnotized

“Gold is the money of kings. Silver is the money of gentlemen. Barter is the money of peasants. Debt is the money of slaves”

Ok, what is hyperinflation? Hyperinflation is what happened in Germany after WWI 1919 to 1923, Hungary from 1945 to 1946, Chile 1971 to 1981, Argentina 1975 to 1992 (and coming again), Peru 1988 to 1991, Angola 1991 to 1999, Yugoslavia 1992 to 1995, Belarus 1994 to 2002 (and coming again), Zimbabwe 2000 to 2005, Russia several times most recently in the 90's. Ukraine on the verge, England? U.S.? Euro Zone? (see Morgan Stanley report, "A Panorama Of The European Debt System",) China?

Here is a little history of what happened in Weimar Germany lest we forget:

Will history repeat Itself? Remember the Weimar Republic's hyperinflation:

Weimar, Germany January 1919 to November 1923 [Expressed in German Marks needed to buy an oz. of ag. or au.]"

Jan. 1919
Silver 12
Gold 170

May. 1919
Silver 17
Gold 267

Sept. 1919
Silver 31
Gold 499

Jan. 1920
Silver 84
Gold 1,340

May 1920
Silver 60
Gold 966

Sept. 1921
Silver 80
Gold 2,175

Jan. 1922
Silver 249
Gold 3,976

May. 1922
Silver 375
Gold 6,012

Sept. 1922
Silver 1899
Gold 30,381

Jan. 1923
Silver 23,277
Gold 372,447

May. 1923
Silver 44,397
Gold 710,355

June 5, 1923
Silver 80,953
Gold 1,295,256

July 3, 1923
Silver 207,239
Gold 3,315,831

Aug. 7, 1923
Silver 4,273,874
Gold 68,382,000

Sept. 4, 1923
Silver 16,839,937
Gold 269,429,000

Oct. 2, 1923
Silver 414,484,000
Gold 6,631,749,000

Oct. 9, 1923
Silver 1,554,309,000
Gold 24,868,950,000

Oct. 16, 1923
Silver 5,319,567,000
Gold 84,969,072,000

Oct. 23, 1923
Silver 7,253,460,000
Gold 1,160,552,662,000

Oct. 30, 1923
Silver 8,419,200,000
Gold 1,347,070,000,000

Nov. 5, 1923
Silver 54,375,000,000
Gold 8,700,000,000,000

Nov. 13, 1923
Silver 108,750,000,000
Gold 17,400,000,000,000

Nov. 30, 1923
Silver 543,750,000,000
Gold 87,000,000,000,000

Where would gold be were it not for market manipulation?  Where should gold be?  $3000 per ounce?  The more they try to manipulate gold prices the more pressure will build up and the better the investment will be.  It is sort of like owning a distillery during Prohibition.  The more they tried to stop it the more lucrative it becomes as an investment.

They can only hope to let gold become so expensive that no one can afford it, pass laws outlawing possession of gold and starve the people so much that all their funds are necessary to buy food and therefore have not enough to buy gold.

There is truly a battle for your mind in films and TV to encourage you to hold currency instead of precious metal.  That is why all the hip hop rappers who are not too smart show lots of cash because poor people from the ghetto know "nuttin about no" gold or silver.  This is why we are here.  To make you aware of the game that is being played against you.

If you buy gold now you will throw a wrench into their plans and protect yourself from economic trouble.  Silver offers an even faster solution if you need to work at a more reasonably priced metal.

Gold is nothing but a yellow metal.  But it means a lot in terms of economic power.  It does not have magical powers.   But let's face it, it is all we have to work with.  They own everything else.

Facts don't lie. Join us by becoming a distributor for free, helping others protect their finances and buy gold to protect yourself. Open Your Free Gold Savings Account Here

Friday, December 9, 2011

Start A Gold Savings Plan

Some readers wonder why we do not recommend coins when buying gold.  Here is what one well known distributor of gold wrote in his newsletter:

Our Most Popular Gold Investment

Take advantage of a special opportunity to diversify your portfolio with
1 oz. Gold American Eagle coins
for as low as $84.99 per coin over spot! Gold American Eagles are 1 oz. AGW (actual Gold weight) and have been in high demand since being introduced in 1986. Its stately appearance and proud symbolism make the Gold American Eagle one of the world's most popular forms of personal Gold ownership. Random year dates are of our choice, and are limited to availability. Order yours today, while supplies last.

$84.99 over spot.  In this case the promo says that the gold is 1 oz AGW.  In many cases the coinage weight includes other metals besides gold in the weight in order to make the gold hard enough to withstand use as a coin.  Perhaps in this case there is 1 oz AGW.

We sell gold bars by the gram.  It is 999.9% pure.  Not only is it stamped but it comes attached to a certificate of authentication for easy trading.  Today's price is 56.94 Euros.  The idea is that you by gold a little at a time and can take either physical delivery or store it in our Swiss vault.

As one astute reader pointed out KB is not the cheapest gold around.  But we do offer competitive pricing with unbeatable services.  The best part is that anyone at any budget can begin a gold savings plan.  Its not just for the rich,

Buy gold from the good guys here: Free Gold Savings Plan Here

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I Will Sell You Your Next Batch Of Gold

When the new government regulations take force and effect next year any transaction over $600 has to be reported to the U.S. government. If this is true how will you purchase gold that is selling for $1700 per ounce?

We sell fractional gold, that is less than one ounce of gold for 57 Euros per gram at a time. We then will store your gold in our vault for free in Switzerland. That is the same vault that the Swiss government uses. You build up your gold holdings over time.

Less than 1% of the population own gold or silver. That means that 99% of the population (200 Million people) need to buy gold. As the economy begins to collapse more and more people will be wanting gold.

When I sell the gold you will also receive a certificate of authentication, no questions asked buy back and free replacement of the gold if lost or stolen.

I will sell you your next purchase of gold. The question is will you buy at $1800 an ounce or $18,000 per ounce.

Click here to open a free account: Free Gold Savings Account Here

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Paradise Awaits

Updated Show Reel from Colibri Productions on Vimeo.

The strategy that we suggest is that you convert your assets and cash to gold (not gold coins). Then relocate to a place where you will be safe, they are happy to see you and have plenty of skilled jobs. Paradise awaits. Sign up here: Free Gold Savings Account Here

Mr. and Mrs. President?

Do You Believe The Economy Will Collapse?

Do you believe there will be an economic collapse?  If you do why are still holding on to paper currency when gold and silver are the obvious solution?  We have made starting a gold savings account super easy.  We are a distributor for KB Vision a 17 year old German company located in Stuttgart.  KB owns its own gold mine.  Through the company you can acquire 1 gram gold bars at 999.9% pure fine gold bars.  We also provide:
  1. No questions asked buy back
  2. Free storage in our Swiss vault
  3. Free replacement if the gold is lost or stolen
  4. Become a distributor for free
  5. Includes certificate of authenticity with each bar
  6. Pure fine gold not minted numismatics

    Join us here: Free Gold Savings Account Here

    Sunday, December 4, 2011

    A Real Liffe Example - Greece

    Bank Holiday?

    Rumor has it that a Bank Holiday may be declared in the United States and Europe.  Such an event would mean that you will have no access to money during the Bank Holiday period.  The Bank Holiday would last for a few days or weeks.  During that time there would be total chaos.  This is not the first time that such rumors were circulated.  But that was several Trillion dollars ago.

    Our solution is the following:
    1. Keep your fuel tanks in your car filled
    2. Keep at least two weeks of food and water for you and animals that do not need refigeration
    3. Keep cash in your home instead of the bank
    4. Prepare your home against home invasion by thugs
    5. Make sure you have necessary prescribed medicines on hand
    6. Have flashlights with extra batteries, candles and matches
    7. Make photocopies of your critical papers and keep them in a fire resistant safe place.
    8. Work with your neighbors to pool and secure your resources
    9. Arrange with family members how and where you will meet up in case of emergency
    10. Expect to have military or police canvass your neighborhood looking for weapons and criminals
    11. Begin saving gold or silver
    There are a lot of other things that one could do but this list should get you started.  When exactly the supposed Bank Holiday will take place is unknown.  But from now on you must be prepared.

    May God bless you and your family
    Free Gold Savings Account Here 

    How To Become A Millionaire

    How to become a millionaire in 10 easy steps.

    1.  You must understand that money is not what you think.  You must not make the mistake of thinking that currency is money.  It is not.  Currency is only a receipt for money.  Over these few years we have beome accustomed to exchanging the receipts instead of real money for goods and services.

    The idea of using currency instead of real money was invented by a few people who had the desire to control money.  Later a few evil persons realized that if you could control the issuance and circulation of currency you in fact could control the population's behavior.

    Now that we have understood the utter nonsense of the current economic system they want to change it to a system that is more enslaving and offers less freedom.  The conversion to a one world currency is merely a pathway to complete and total subjugation of the population.  This scientific approach is based on creating an account for every human being on the planet at birth.  Then the person will spend the remainder of his life settling his obligation.  At which point his usefulness is over and he will be culled.

    In order to carry out this monstrous plan the evil ones had to create a pretense.  There are several pretenses on the drawing board: a) there are too many people on the planet; capitalism does not work; World War 3; Terrorism; Fundamentalism; religion; economic collapse, global warming caused by mankind; alien invasion; biological pandemic; natural disasters and more.  These events are meant to pre-condition the population into accepting a New World Order.

    In order to bring these changes about the evil ones need to convince you that their idea to make a global obligation is necessary.  This is done by deliberately bringing an end to the current economic arrangement, bankrupting everyone, preventing economic growth and bringing about global chaos through war, food shortages, energy shortages and health crisis.  Most importantly is the need to convince the public that the suffering is real so that the public will beg for relief via their New World Order.

    2. Real Money can never be destroyed or manipulated.  Real money must be in a form that can be measured, is durable, and exchangeable.  It must be in finite supply.  It must have a historical track record.  The two traditional forms of money are gold and silver.   These two metals have been recognized for thousands of years.

    3. Exchange your cheap paper currency for real money.  Why is paper currency so cheap?  Paper currency is cheap because the governments of the world have been slowly stealing your wealth by taxing you and through inflation.  It is not that bread has become so expensive but that the paper currency has become so devalued.

    4. Gold and silver have no intrinsic value.  There is a time to buy and a time to sell.  By all forms of measurement gold should be at about $15,000 per ounce.  Today,s value of gold is about $1770 per ounce.  What if you could buy something for $1770 that was worth $15,000?  That is today's situation with gold.  Silver is at $33 but it should be $300.  Again it is grossly under valued.

    5. You will not own strategic metals forever.  When the time is right you will sell and buy some other undervalued commodity.  During the Weimer Republic in Germany one ounce of gold sold for Billions of Marks.

    6. You must remain healthy.  This is accomplished by nutrition and avoiding toxins.

    7. Relocate yourself to a safe and secure location.

    8. Earn income by educating others.  Turn off the TV and never watch it to avoid mind control.

    9. Store your gold in our vault in Switzerland for free.

    10. Deal in gold and not paper currency.

    Free Gold Savings Account Here

    Friday, December 2, 2011

    A Matter Of Trust - Where Did It Go?

    Economic Survival

    What does World War 3, the Loss of American Freedoms, Economic Collapse and the loss of Health Freedom i.e. Eugenics have in common?

    The target of these policy measures reflect the desire of certain persons to eliminate the population and place the remaining under their control as slaves.
    We are one signature away from the U.S. government being legally able to randomly detain and execute any person including Americans without Due Process. Does it sound like Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia?

    The truth is that when Americans wake up they will all be wanting to buy gold.  Do you think they will buy it where ever they can find it?  You bet.  They don't have to buy from you.  In fact, I would prefer it when they buy from me.  Here is why:
    The U.S. economy is collapsing by design.  Gold and silver are the only means of protecting yourself financially.  But there is more.

    This is what our leaders have in mind for the future of the world. A world of pain because someone does not like you.  And will leave you with no financial means. 
    Your money is not safe in a bank.The only thing you can do is buy gold and save it in our vault in Switzerland.

    What else can you do?
    1. Turn Off The TV
    2. Stop Eating Their Junk Food
    3. Don't Get Ill
    4. Buy Gold and Save It
    5. Escape To a Safe Location
    6. Pray / Meditate

    Go here to to start your free gold savings account:

    Tuesday, November 29, 2011

    "The Battle Is Won Before It Is Fought" Sun Tzu

    Before 911 happened I had been studying the movements of the NWO for about 10 years. I have lived and worked in Europe since 2000. I now live in Spain. I happen to be an investment banker with an extensive background working with sovereign debt and other financial instruments.

    It is no surprise to us that Europe has failed. That was by design. It was not an economic failure. But it was the failure of their Socialistic model and the theft of Billions. The Will of the people was broken when the people accepted Socialism in response to Facism.

    If you research the evolution of the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany or any other autocracy you will see that the people's Will was broken long before the first shot was fired.

    Two years ago I went to my bank to withdraw a few thousand Euros. They claimed that the money was not there. But I had already seen the transfer on a terminal screen so I knew it had been received. They just did not want to give it to me. From that day on I was suspicious that these banks were going to steal the money.

    I opened a new account at Deutsche Bank. They offered to put my account into an investment. Upon reading the type of investment they were offering it was clear that those investments were all losing money. When I said that I wanted to invest in strategic metals I was informed that I could not because my balance was too small. You mean only the rich were allowed to make money and I had to waste my money with the rest of the customers? It was clear that something was wrong.

    Now we know what was wrong.

    Five years ago I wrote a confidential report for a well known Danish bank and they did not appreciate the report's conclusion that there were problems in the banking area of Europe.

    It was obvious to me that there would be a collapse in Europe when I first arrived and researched the markets. That was in 2000.

    I am no whizkid. If this is what I could learn in my research certainly people who were better informed than me would have known what was coming, I tried to tell a few people what I had seen but they thought I was a silly American and that it was the "toxic" mortgages behind it.

    Now let me caution you from snap judgments and repeating TV doctrine. I say that the economic collapse is calculated and has an ulterior motive. I can not say what that motive is but if it is true then we are not dealing with a bunch of fumbling fools but rather a cabal of thieves and social engineers who think they know what is best for us.

    If I am right, no Occupy Movement is going to help. It will only exhaust our resolve. What we need is honest dialog and a properly legal well placed precise response. We do not need mass hysteria based on false information.

    I know they have all the guns. But if guns were enough they would not waste time brainwashing you. They can not hurt you without your consent.

    May I suggest that you turn off your TV sets and stop allowing the enemy to infiltrate your minds? Write letters to your legislators or anyone in public office to assert our beliefs and setting the boundaries past which no man or organization may go. But if you give them one inch they will take a mile.

    Failure to protect yourself adequately both financially and mentally will result in a collapse of the Will as has happened in Europe which will be more devastating than any economic collapse.

    Monday, November 28, 2011

    How To Survive Starvation, Econmic Collapse And Attack To Your Health

    This was taken from a letter that I wrote to my 76 year old mother who lives in a different locale.

    Please prepare yourselves for next year,  Reliable sources say that after Christmas all will begin to collapse.  Firstly, you must secure yourselves with healthy food.  I suggest you switch to a mostly vegetarian diet because not only is it cheaper but you have never heard of a vegetarian having cancer or a heart attack . 

    I do not have all the answers.  I do not give medical advice.  You need a licensed practioner for that.  Put I can give you some information that may be helpful to someone who is trying to survive.  One thing for sure, you can not trust what they tell you on TV.  So maybe this will help.

    I do not recommend fruits other than small berries and grapes because the key to good health is a reduction in sugar.  Fructose is the sugar found in fruit.  If you eat lots of fruit you will be eating lots of sugar.   Fructose is handled by the body in a different way and is more difficult to breakdown.  What you need is more bitter taste rather than a sweet taste.

    Smaller fruits like berries are a good source of anti-oxidants.  Try Chaga.  It is the highest known anti-oxidant on the planet.  And it is very cheap.  My family gets its Chaga from Siberia in Russia.

    Since switching to a mostly vegetarian diet I am 15 pounds lighter equivalent to what I weighed 15 years ago.  Teeth are clean and white which indicates a healthy condition.  I don't get sick or catch colds.   Toe fungus and misshapen nails have cleared up and turned back to normal.  (Toe fungus is an indication of diabetes or pre-diabetes.)

    I do not eat high caloric foods like rice, grits, potatoes, sugar, fruit, no junk food, no restaurant food, nothing artificial or manufactured.  We never use table salt.  Instead we us only Himalayan salt that has 83 minerals.  We use  no bleached flouer (it contains bromide which can take the place of iodide / iodine and this destroys the thyroid).  I do not eat  pasta, no pizza, no grains, cereals or bread.  I do not use syrup, no juices other than pomegranate, cranberry or elderberry juice , no commercial shampoo, no manufactured soap or detergent, no fluoride tooth paste, no refined sugar and no pop or diet pop or low calorie, low salt, artificial sweeteners, decaffeinated drinks.  In fact I use no manufactured food at all.  Food can not be manufactured!

    Instead we use homemade natural soap, oil pulling for the teeth, no sun block and no GMO foods.  We get our food from local farmers not the grocery store.  We eat beans, vegetables, bone soup, occasionally high quality meat from a butcher, spelt flour baked goods, pancakes, cookies, fresh farm eggs, homemade yogurt, sour dough bread, Himalayan salt sole, beets, pumpkin soup, wild black berries and grapes, homemade jam, honey and sweat potatoes.  In addition to oil pulling we are now starting to using twigs from trees to clean our teeth. We drinkspirulina blue green algae daily.  We use olive oil instead of vegetable.  Coconut oil is also great.

    The best source of protein is in powder form, whey protein.  You need this to rebuild cells.

    We have to get chaga and potassium as well as magnesium, zinc, chromium, vanadium, L.arginine, copper, vitamin d, e - all 8 types, a, k, bile, probiotics (we get this from the homemade yogurt), digestive enzymes, essential fatty acids, Co Q 10, therapeutic doses of vitamin  c and b complex . Omega 3 and Omega 6, powdered protein from whey. NAC for the liver.  Alpha lipoic acid.  Phosphotidyl Choline and Serene for the brain.   These items should be taken in liquid form throughout the day.  If a person has trouble absorbing fat soluble nutrients then they will have no way to get the nutrition they need and the body will breakdown unless they take digestive enzymes.

    Many of these substances can be found in the product called "Beyond Tangy Tangerine" and "Sweet Eze" from Youngevity (

    It turns out that most of the illnesses we are faced with are caused by: 1) digestive problems; 2) blood sugar problems; or 3) the adrenal system  (thyroid, lymphatic system).   Most of the time the problem is in the digestive track.  Until the foods that cause problems like gas, diarrhea, constipation, burping, cramping or any other symptom can be eliminated there can be no progress in health.  What most people call illness is really a symptom of nutritional deficiency.  Heart disease, cancer, skin problems, mental illness, Alzheimer, Autism, kidney disease, diabetes, and so on are some of the symptoms of an underlying problem.   We have to be like detectives to find out what that underlying problem is.  More of this information can be found by listening to Pharmacist Ben Fuchs at .

    Water - You need living water, not distilled water.  There are no nutrients in distilled water.  But fluoridated water is a real problem.  Fluoride was invented by the Soviets to make the prisoners more docile.  The Nazi's used it to dumb down the population.   You must not drink, bathe or cook with fluoridated water.   However, if you can not move to a place that does not use fluoridation in their water  then a regular filter will do.  The element in the filter must be kept up to date or you could poison yourself.  By staying dosed up with iodine your thyroid is less likely to absorb fluoride. Big Berkey is one of the best filters available.
    I recommend also "the Power Hour" internet show with Joyce Riley at for a good source of products and information.

    It has been reported that chemicals, drugs, hormones and nuclear waste has been found in municipal water.   These elements are deliberately put into the water such as lithium and other psychotropic drugs.  Some politicians advocate putting statin and  other drugs into the water.  Dr. Wynn Parker who has a show on Republic Broadcasting Network, has written and spoken extensively about the use of chloromine in the water and the dangers of fracking.

    A good household filter is essential.  But you must know that many of these harmful chemicals can not be taken out of the water.  Bottled water is not an option since many companies use municipal water to start with.  Another point is that in times of trouble chances are there will be no electricity.  Without electricity it will not be possible to pump water or gasoline.  You must be prepared to operate in the dark.

    If you keep this list handy I am sure it will help most health problems without expensive medication, procedures and insurance.  The key is to start saving food especially seeds and beans. You need to realize that this day of food shortage is definitely coming.  Avoid foods that are manufactured because they are not food and will lead to illness..  Real food can not be manufactured!

    If you need medications be sure to have enough on hand.  What's best is to avoid illness by eating properly.  Do not eat junk food or processed food. 

    The banks will collapse.  Do not keep money in the bank.  Convert all your assets into gold or silver.  I sell small amounts of gold by the gram that can be traded for goods and services.  Go here to open a free gold account.  Take delivery over 100 grams or store your gold in Switzerland for free.

    Safety and security.  
    -  The lights will go out.  There will be no phone service.  No ambulance service.   No help.  You must have a plan to secure yourself.  And when the people get hungry they will be like animals.  The best thing is to move together with trusted family and friends in a defendable location.  Think of Katrina times 1000 worse.

    Sunday, November 27, 2011

    The Ideal Christmas Present

    This is the ideal Christmas present.  It is a KB Gold / Vision gold card.  It comes with a one gram gold bar (999.9% fine gold).  The card also acts as a certificate of authenticity.  This gold bullion is called Kine gold.

    The kine bar and attached card have been specifically designed to make it easy to collect, store, trade or carry.  There are a few other benefits to owning the kine bar:

    1. No questions asked buy back policy
    2. Free replacement if lost or stolen
    3. Free storage in the KB Swiss vault or physical delivery*
    4. Free gold savings account held in Switzerland
    5. Become a distributor for free
    * Delivery at customer expense by bonded courier

    Today's price is 55.87 Euros

    Saturday, November 26, 2011

    If the mountain were smooth you could not climb it!

    What's Happening?

    If anyone tries to tell you that there is no money you can bet they are lying. Here is a list of banks who received the bulk of your bailout money (sweat, labor and equity). I don't know if these figures are accurate. But close enough.

    My point is: 1. Its not real money; 2. It is not your money; 3. Come to goldenladyfun to start your gold savings account for free. The physical gold is sold in small denominations of 1 gram each and can be purchased a little at a time. We will store it for free in our vault in Switzerland if you like. We also have a no questions asked buy back policy, free replacement if the gold is lost or stolen and an affiliate distributor program. Join us at:

    Below is a list of some of the largest recipients of the bailout "Money". What do you think?:

    Citigroup: $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000)
    Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000)
    Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion ($1,949,000,000,000)
    Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ($1,344,000,000,000)
    Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion ($868,000,000,000)
    Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000)
    Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000)
    Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541 billion ($541,000,000,000)
    JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)
    Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion ($354,000,000,000)
    UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)
    Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion ($262,000,000,000)
    Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ($183,000,000,000)
    Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion ($181,000,000,000)
    BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ($175,000,000,000)

    View the 266-page GAO audit of the Federal Reserve(July 21st, 2011): GAO Fed Investigation

    FULL PDF on GAO server:
    Senator Sander’s Article: The Fed Audit

    Friday, November 25, 2011

    The Hunt For Red Oktober

    Where did the damn money go?  That's what I tell my kids when the school tries to convince them that they are in the beginning of an economic meltdown.  Did the money go to an alien planet?  How is it that one day there was plenty of money and the next there was no money?

    Its like water.  You can not use up all the water on the planet.  In fact the water is just recirculated in different forms. Can it evaporate into space?  You can not spend up all the money.  Someone some place has to have it.  It just can not disappear.  But it can be stolen and hidden.

    These very clever people will try to convince you that it was spent out of existence.  That's not possible.  Someone someplace has to have it.  If you will notice they will spend incredible sums of money for things that are really of no value.  This is called "wastage".  But in reality the entire pool of money must go somewhere.

    Think of a bank robbery where the bank manager claims the thieves stole more than they actually did just so he can put a little in his own pocket.  Now imagine if all the banks did that at the same time and told you hey lost the money in bad investments.  Is this not what these guys are doing?

    But it is worse than that.   Not only are jobs and houses lost, but entire countries are being lost.  .In some cases war is the result.  We all lose our freedoms because of someone else' greed.  And this is the perfect time for the globalist to institutes their agenda,

    Looking for the money is like hunting for Red Oktober.  The news media throws down a trail of misinformation and disinformation to make sure that you are off track.  Have you ever noticed that all the news on TV is fake?  Yet many people want to feel that they know what is going on?  But consider this, the news media does not work for you.  They work for the advertisers who are the very companies who stole your money.  So why do you keep watching and listening. 

    The fact is that what most people call money is not really money.  At best it is currency.  The majority is not even paper.  Instead it sits in a computer memory to be distributed to other accounts.  So really they can not even destroy it.  At the moment the U.S. owes about 15 Trillion Dollars of (fill in the blank).  The problem is that 15 Trillion Dollars (fill in the blank) represents your sweat, labor and equity.  They just keep printing and spending it because to them your sweat, labor and equity are not real.  Let me ask you, is your sweat, labor and equity real?  Then why do you accept pieces of paper or currency for it?  And now they tell you that there is no more currency for your sweat, labor and equity.

    My point is that the idea that all the money disappeared is ridiculous and nothing more than theft like a thief telling the judge the money just disappeared.

    I believe the entire financial meltdown is a hoax.  There is more than enough currency they just don't want you to know it.  So they starve you, tell you nightly that everything is bankrupt and on that basis your suffering makes it all seem real.

    Once you have totally bought into the idea that there has been a financial collapse they will offer you a "solution" which they always had in mind for you.  I believe that solution will be a one world currency.  I believe that you will be assessed with "your fair share" at birth and have to spend the remainder of your life paying your fair share adjusted for regional and ethnic or racial considerations.  No longer will life be a right.  It will be a privilege that must be paid for.  And it will be the job of the government to monitor every aspect of your life to make sure that you don't cheat.

    It will be a privilege to drive, to have a family, to have children, to take a vacation, to travel, to eat healthy food, and so on.  And if you don't like it you can opt out.  Of course your minders will be exempt from the rules  because of their contribution to society.

    At the moment we are in a transitional stage.  There is chance of throwing a wrench into the works.  You have to:
    1. Stop believing in their lies.  Turn off the TV.  Get rid of it.  Don't watch HD TV.
    2. Protect your right to eat healthy food and take supplements
    3. Buy gold by the gram and save it outside of the U.S.
    4. Liquidate all your assets and escape to a safe haven.
    5. Don't support Global agendas.
    6. Never put a cell phone up to your head.
    7. Do not eat manufactured foods.

    For more information monitor goldenladyfun daily and tell your family and friends to do the same.

    New Goldenladyfun Broadcast

    Today at 5 pm EST Goldenladyfun launches its broadcast of the 15 minute gold news roundup. This is a daily roundup of gold, silver and financial news gathered from various sources around the net. The broadcast is in a casual format for the average consumer who needs to know more about financial markets and do not have time to investigate beyond the mainstream news media. Future plans allow for lines to be opened so that the listening audience can call in and participate in the broadcast. For more information about how and where to buy cheap affordable gold or to open a free offshore gold savings account go to: .

    Wednesday, November 23, 2011

    My Retirement Plan

    Here is my retirement plan:

    1. Open a free gold savings account
    2. Convert all my assets to gold or silver 1 gram bullion not coins
    2. Place my gold in vaults in Switzerland for free
    3. Obtain a passport.
    4. Use my gold as necessary when necessary to buy or barter for what I need.
    5. Relocate to a safe secure location where the air is breathable, water is drinkable and food is eatable.
    6. Avoid poisonous junk food that make you ill
    7. Forget about Social Security

    Here is why:  

    From The Economic Collapse Blog:

    25 Bitter And Painful Facts About The Coming Baby Boomer Retirement Crisis That Will Blow Your Mind

    For decades we were warned that when the Baby Boomers started to retire that this country would be facing a retirement crisis of unprecedented magnitude.  Well, that day has arrived ladies and gentlemen.  Back on January 1st, the Baby Boomers began to retire and more than 10,000 of them will be retiring every single day for years to come.  Most of them have not saved up nearly enough money for retirement.  At the same time, private sector pension plans are failing all over the place, hundreds of state and local government pension plans from coast to coast are woefully underfunded, and the Social Security system is on the road to complete and total disaster.  A massive wave of humanity is hitting retirement age at a moment in history when the U.S. economy is coming apart at the seams.  We do not have the resources to keep the promises that we made to the Baby Boomers, and most of them have not made adequate preparations for retirement.  What we have is a gigantic mess on our hands, and millions of Baby Boomers are going to find retirement to be very bitter and very painful.
    A lot of younger Americans just assume that Social Security is enough to take care of the needs of elderly Americans.  But that is just not the case.
    Have you ever tried to live solely on a Social Security check?
    It is not easy.  The truth is that those checks are just not that large.
    The following comes directly from the Social Security Administration....
    The average monthly Social Security benefit for a retired worker was about $1,177 at the beginning of 2011.
    Could you live on less than 300 dollars a week?
    And keep in mind that the $1,177 monthly figure is just an average.  Many receive a lot less than that.
    In addition, Social Security benefits have been seriously squeezed by inflation in recent years.  The cost of food and other basics has risen briskly and Social Security benefits have not.
    Today, many elderly Americans have to make a choice between buying food, heating their homes or buying medicine that they need.  They simply do not have enough money to do all of them.
    It would have been nice if all of the Baby Boomers had been busy saving money for retirement all these years, but that just did not happen.  In fact, the Baby Boomers as a group are trillions of dollars short of what they need for retirement.
    So why doesn't the U.S. government step in to help them out?
    Well, the reality of the situation is that the U.S. government is flat broke.  The federal government is now over 15 trillion dollars in debt.  During the Obama administration so far, the U.S. government has accumulated more new debt than it did from the time that George Washington took office to the time that Bill Clinton took office.
    Lawmakers are already looking at ways to make the Social Security program less costly.  No, the federal government is not going to be riding to the rescue.
    In fact, it will be a minor miracle if the Social Security program is able to survive until the end of this decade, and it will be a major miracle if the Social Security program is able to survive until 2030.
    As for myself, I do not believe that I will ever see a single penny from Social Security, and many other working age Americans feel the same way.
    Retirement is supposed to be a fun time, but sadly most Americans that are approaching retirement age are not going to have any "golden years" to look forward to.
    Rather, millions of elderly Americans are going to find the years ahead absolutely agonizing as they struggle just to survive.
    The following are 25 bitter and painful facts about the coming Baby Boomer retirement crisis that will blow your mind....
    #1 According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, 46 percent of all American workers have less than $10,000 saved for retirement, and 29 percent of all American workers have less than $1,000 saved for retirement.
    #2 According to a recent poll conducted by Americans for Secure Retirement, 88 percent of all Americans are worried about "maintaining a comfortable standard of living in retirement".  Last year, that figure was at 73 percent.
    #3 A study conducted by Boston College's Center for Retirement Research has found that American workers are $6.6 trillion short of what they need to retire comfortably.
    #4 Today, one out of every six elderly Americans lives below the federal poverty line.
    #5 On January 1st, 2011 the very first Baby Boomers started to retire.  For almost the next 20 years, more than 10,000 Baby Boomers will be retiring every single day.
    #6 At the moment, only about 13 percent of all Americans are 65 years of age or older.  By 2030, that number will soar to 18 percent.
    #7 Right now, there are somewhere around 40 million senior citizens.  By 2050 that number is projected to increase to 89 million.
    #8 Back in 1991, half of all American workers planned to retire before they reached the age of 65.  Today, that number has declined to 23 percent.
    #9 According to one recent survey, 74 percent of American workers expect to continue working once they are "retired".
    #10 According to a recent AARP survey of Baby Boomers, 40 percent of them plan to work "until they drop".
    #11 A poll conducted by CESI Debt Solutions found that 56 percent of American retirees still had outstanding debts when they retired.
    #12 A study by a law professor at the University of Michigan found that Americans that are 55 years of age or older now account for 20 percent of all bankruptcies in the United States.  Back in 2001, they only accounted for 12 percent of all bankruptcies.
    #13 Between 1991 and 2007 the number of Americans between the ages of 65 and 74 that filed for bankruptcy rose by a staggering 178 percent.
    #14 What is causing most of these bankruptcies among the elderly?  The number one cause is medical bills.  According to a report published in The American Journal of Medicine, medical bills are a major factor in more than 60 percent of the personal bankruptcies in the United States.  Of those bankruptcies that were caused by medical bills, approximately 75 percent of them involved individuals that actually did have health insurance.
    #15 Public retirement funds all over the United States are woefully underfunded.  For example, it has been reported that the $33.7 billion Illinois Teachers Retirement System is 61% underfunded and is on the verge of complete collapse.
    #16 Most U.S. states have huge pension obligations which threaten to bankrupt them.  For example, pension consultant Girard Miller told California's Little Hoover Commission that state and local government bodies in the state of California have $325 billion in combined unfunded pension liabilities.  When you break that down, it comes to $22,000 for every single working adult in the state of California.
    #17 Robert Novy-Marx of the University of Chicago and Joshua D. Rauh of Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management have calculated the combined pension liability for all 50 U.S. states.  What they found was that the 50 states are collectively facing $5.17 trillion in pension obligations, but they only have $1.94 trillion set aside in state pension funds.  That is a difference of 3.2 trillion dollars.  So where in the world is all of that extra money going to come from?
    #18 According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Social Security system paid out more in benefits than it received in payroll taxes in 2010.  That was not supposed to happen until at least 2016.  Sadly, in the years ahead these "Social Security deficits" are scheduled to become absolutely nightmarish as hordes of Baby Boomers retire.
    #19 In 1950, each retiree's Social Security benefit was paid for by 16 U.S. workers.  According to new data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are now only 1.75 full-time private sector workers for each person that is receiving Social Security benefits in the United States.
    #20 The U.S. government now says that the Medicare trust fund will run out five years faster than they were projecting just last year.
    #21 The total cost of just three federal government programs - the Department of Defense, Social Security and Medicare - exceeded the total amount of taxes brought in during fiscal 2010 by 10 billion dollars.  In the years ahead expenses related to Social Security and Medicare are projected to skyrocket dramatically.
    #22 The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation is the agency of the federal government that pays monthly retirement benefits to hundreds of thousands of retirees that were covered under defined benefit pension plans that failed.  The retirement crisis has barely even begun and the PBGC is already dead broke.  The PBGC says that it ran a deficit of $26 billion during the fiscal year that just ended and that it will probably need a huge bailout from the federal government.
    #23 According to a survey by, 36 percent of all Americans say that they don't contribute anything at all to retirement savings.
    #24 More than 30 percent of all investors in the United States that are currently in their sixties have more than 80 percent of their 401k plans invested in equities.  So what is going to happen to them if the stock market crashes?
    #25 A survey taken earlier this year found that 20 percent of all U.S. workers admitted that they had postponed their planned retirement age at least once during the last 12 months.  Back in 2008, that number was only at 14 percent.
    Our politicians should have addressed the retirement crisis decades ago before we got to the point of being in debt up to our eyeballs.
    It is being projected that the U.S. national debt will hit 344% of GDP by the year 2050, and the Congressional Budget Office says that U.S. government debt held by the public will reach a staggering 716% of GDP by the year 2080.
    Obviously those figures will never be reached because our financial system would totally collapse long before then.
    So what do we do?
    We have tens of millions of elderly Americans that are completely and totally dependent on Social Security and Medicare, but those programs also threaten to bankrupt us as a nation.
    Anyone that believes that there is a "quick fix" to these issues is being naive.
    The "supercommittee" was supposed to address this problem, but they failed so spectacularly that they have become a national joke.
    Sadly, most of our politicians just keep kicking the can down the road.  They hope that somehow things will just magically "work out".
    Well, the truth is that things are not going to "work out".  The poverty level among the elderly is going to continue to increase.  Pension plans all over this nation are going to continue to fail in staggering numbers.  Social Security and Medicare are going to bleed more red ink with each passing year.
    Something should have been done about this problem a long, long time ago.
    But it wasn't.
    This crisis was ignored, dealing with it was put off time after time and all the doomsayers were laughed at.
    Now the crisis is here, and we are all going to pay the price.